darrenspooner 0 #1 February 26, 2006 Getting my new Safire 2 next week, I hope. I see the packing manual says to psycho pack it. Is this common practice out there, or should I just do a normal propack? I also saw that a lot of people who reviewed it says it snivels for 1000 feet, is that right, and is there anything that people do with the packing to speed it up a bit? I've just upsized because I'm a fatty. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bob.dino 1 #2 February 26, 2006 I know plenty of folk that pack 'em both ways, though I don't know many who have them snivel for 1000ft. The 170 I did 50 jumps on opened in about 500ft with a bog-standard pro-pack. QuoteI've just upsized because I'm a fatty. Good call on the upsize. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jacco 0 #3 February 26, 2006 I have made about 150 jumps on a safire II 159. Although I would advice anyone to use the manufacturers recommended packing method, I didn’t and propacked it. I didn’t want to switch to psychopacking simply because I’m quicker at propacking. My openings were constant and on heading taking between 500 and 700 feet. This scenario happened with nice packjobs (10-12 minutes), when in a hurry, 5 minute packjobs, I would have off heading openings, 90 degrees either way. So on my canopy the opening was a direct result of my packing. The way your canopy will open has to be tried. If you experience looooong openings, you could leave the centre cell more exposed, I had to do this on a Sabre 2 I jumped and sometimes would take 1200 ft to open. On that one I did a standard propack and before I put the tail around I would put the left and right 4 cells to either side and open the centre cell this helped a lot. As for your canopy, first jump it, some hop ‘n pops from as high as possible, preferably packed as Icarus recommends, and if you experience any problems with openings or flight ask again on your dropzone or in these forums. But do post to tell if you like it. J. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattjw916 2 #4 February 26, 2006 I think every Safire 2 I have ever seen packed was pro-packed. I had a Safire 1 (that they also recommended a psycho pack for) and always pro-packed it without any problems. If I wanted it to open a bit quicker I'd just push the middle of the slider into the packjob a bit more than usual and not pull as much material in front of the nose.NSCR-2376, SCR-15080 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnny1488 1 #5 February 27, 2006 That psycho packing stuff will be gone soon. Icarus recommends pro packing all its main canopies. That being said the Safire2 is an excellent opening canopy. A simple pro pack will produce amazing results. Johnny --"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!" Mike Rome Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ockers 0 #6 February 27, 2006 I'm happy with a pro pack on mine. Takes 5 - 800 feet to open - lovely!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
br0k3n 0 #7 February 27, 2006 did about 50 jump on a safire 2 107 a few months back and it did indeed snivel for a good 800ft or so.... that was with a standard pro pack...----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redramdriver 0 #8 February 27, 2006 I've done both on my Safire2 229. I enjoyed the psycho for ease of packing vs. the pro packing method. The psycho packing method produced a "softer" opening for me, but also snivled longer. Have not had any discernable differances in openings otherwise. Stay with what you know. Its all good. Great Canopy!So, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
littlejohn 0 #9 February 27, 2006 pro pack it it is so much easier. its so much quicker todeath before dishonor Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dzjohn 0 #10 February 27, 2006 I've just done mt first 2 jumps on my safire2 170 yesterday and pro packed both of them with no rolling of the nose and both opened great on heading within about 500ft. Awsome turns as well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikkey 0 #11 February 28, 2006 I psycho pack my Safire 2. Always good openings and it is quicker to pack this way - especially when the canopy is new (much easier to get into the D-Bag).--------------------------------------------------------- When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BIGUN 1,345 #12 February 28, 2006 It really doesn't matter. I find its easier to psycho-pack for the first 50ish jumps just to get the slippery bastard in the bag... then I go back to pro-pack. Just preference.Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phoenixlpr 0 #13 February 28, 2006 QuoteI find its easier to psycho-pack for the first 50ish jumps just to get the slippery bastard in the bag... then I go back to pro-pack. Just preference. Switch from A to B is OK, but why to switch back from B if B is working fine? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnny1488 1 #14 March 1, 2006 Because maybe someone prefers B but has a hard time with it on a new canopy. Personally I dont like and dont recommend psycho packing. But I also say it is more important for a pack job to be neat than the method I say. Johnny --"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!" Mike Rome Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikkey 0 #15 March 1, 2006 QuoteBecause maybe someone prefers B but has a hard time with it on a new canopy. Personally I dont like and dont recommend psycho packing. But I also say it is more important for a pack job to be neat than the method I say. Could you elaborate why you don't like / recommend psycho? I have cleaner openings with psycho with my Safire. Just curious why people would think it is a "bad" method.--------------------------------------------------------- When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phoenixlpr 0 #16 March 1, 2006 I should be something behind psycho packing if Icarus recommends it for some canopies. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kami-kaze 0 #17 March 1, 2006 I have 400 jumps on my 139 sq and no problems. I picked it up at the factory in Auckland and the guy showed me how to pack, it is Pro-pack. the last 250 jumps I don't even count the nose cells. don't roll them. just have to be clean on the C and D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnny1488 1 #18 March 1, 2006 When the new website is finished, psycho packing will be gone. Icarus will be recommending pro packing on all main canopies. Johnny --"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!" Mike Rome Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnny1488 1 #19 March 1, 2006 I dont think its "bad", I just prefer the propacking method. I like the idea of the canopy unfolding rather than unrolling. Johnny --"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!" Mike Rome Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tbrown 26 #20 March 1, 2006 QuoteIt really doesn't matter. I find its easier to psycho-pack for the first 50ish jumps just to get the slippery bastard in the bag... then I go back to pro-pack. Just preference. Rolling it up is going to beat S-folding a wicked pile of "dragon snot". However, there are other methods for bagging a pro pack as well, where you stuff it in the bacg a bit at a time instead of trying to fold and kneel on the thing at once. Helps too if you drag your canopy through the dirt a couple times.... Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites