cypress 2 code (3333) ???

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Does anyone know what the cypress codes mean?
I was turning on my cypress 2 the other day it counted down to about 6 i think then (3333) flashed
and it turned off. I turned it back on and it was fine.
Have done 4 jumps since then and had no problems.


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3333: Excessive variations in ambient air pressure
have been measured during the self-test
period. The unit is unable to obtain consistent
values for the ambient air pressure at
ground level. Possible reasons could be that
an attempt to switch CYPRES on has been
made in a car driving uphill or downhill, in
an elevator or in a flying aircraft.

The switch-on procedure can be performed several
times after a "3333" error was displayed. If the 0– is
displayed, the unit is fully functional and can be used
for skydiving.
NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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Have done 4 jumps since then and had no problems.




and it turned off. I turned it back on

as it says to do

"Does anyone know what the cypress codes mean? "

He didn't know it said to do that but he went ahead and jumped it 4 times anyway. It appears he did not RTFM.

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