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Just to narrow down who was in the coffin in the final of last season (flash-Forward). Below in white is a spoiler for something coming up.

* # One of these [6] will die before Episode 9: Jin, Sun, Faraday, Desmond, Juliet, Sawyer. Source: Lost Spoilers
# new 02/23 - [The major character dying] is an original 815er. And as far as major Lost deaths go, this one veers from tradition in one significant way

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Just watched a clip from the up and coming episode.

Jack is asking why it has taken so long to hear from Sayid. He is going to a ship by hekicopter 40 miles out to see and they have not arrived after 1 day.
Dan says "well your perception of how long they have gone is not really how long they have been gone."

To me this confrims a massive lag in time.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Another spoiler that i think is big is in white next to the asterix.

* "Season 4 is about who gets off the island and the fact that they need to get back. Season 5 is about why they need to get back, and season 6 is about what happens when they get back."

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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spoilerfix.com and dark ufo.

I have a really really big spoiler but i refuse to tell anyone it as it will ruin the 6th episode of this season.

I cant wait to see desmond time travelling again in the next episode and i think it will be excellent to see charels widmore on the island of lost during juiliets flash back.;)

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Not going to happen. I will say though that Michael is in next weeks episode and it is showing what happenned to him from the time he left the island until now.

Keep this in mind. 1 full day on the LOST island is much longer than time off the island. So how long has michael really been off the island? If he has been off the island for 40 days in island time.. maybe that is only 1 week in real time.

It has been over 24 hours since they left in the heicoter for a boat that is only 40 miles off the coast. ISland time it has taken over 24 hours. Real time it would only be something like half an hour if that.

I am looking forward to desmond losing his mind in tomorrows episode and claiming he does not know who sayid or anyone else is. Then in next weeks episode we see Pennys father on the island during flashbacks.

The thing i do not want to say is the name of the person who dies.
The reason i dont want to say is because i love spoilers for lost but now i found this one out i am really gutted that i did not leave it as a suprise. I dont want to do that to anyone else.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Did you notice on the claendar there were 4 days in october not crossed off.

So we have learnt that dan is also a time traveller. His constant is desmond.

That was an excellent episode. Next weeks episode will be the final one for a few months and it is going to be a huge episode with a big death.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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I got a feeling its Michael in the coffin. He betrayed everyone to get back to Walt (no one but Jack went to the viewing).

The funeral home is a black owned business in a black neighborhood. It would be a big twist if Walt is in the coffin. His growth spurt would work out well with the 'time travel' theme :)~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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This "Oceanic 6" make it off the island, but one will die before episode 9. it is an original 815er.

To help you guess It will be Jin, Sun or Sawyer.

You dont think it is Sawyer who nobody went to see at the funeral home?

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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I thinki have found something pretty big aboutto happen in the show.


Christmas Day 2004, the tsunami occurred in the South Pacific. Since they used Boston winning the WS, it would be interesting if TPTB used this bit of historical information in the show. SO...maybe its not the freighter that takes them home, since it is Christmas Eve 2004 in the show.

Remember it is xmas eve 2004 on the island in the last episode.
Christmas day the tsunami hit, or wasit boxing day?
Now, in the next episode it is puringwith rain and dan is making a timer count down to something huge.
Is Dan going to be responsible for the tsunami?

As quoted above, they refrence the red sox wining that stupid game as history, are th going to reference the tsunami in the show as well?

Is the tsunami responsbnle to get them home?

Something else to add. The death that is coming up, This death does not mean we have seen the last of the person who dies. This person will be in the show alot after he/she dies.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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If we're going to see a lot of the person who dies, I'm still guessing its Michael (his name is still in the credits). Its not Sun cause in last season's closer Jack and the Funeral Director referred to the body as 'him'.

Was it Christmas Eve on the island...or JUST ON THE FREIGHTER and everywhere else???? (cue scary music).~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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Christmas eve on the island as well according to the days they have been gone. If it was not then sayid would have said that the days they have been on the island do nto add up to the days marked on the calendar.

This weeks episode will be huge but episode 8 will tell us so much once they answer where michael has been since he left the island. Remember Ben let him go? Also episode 8 desmond will meet Bens spy/contact on the freighter.

Oh, this whole time travel thing.... Remember the guy with the patch on his eye. I think he time travels as well. This is why he never died going through the fence. Maybe he is the contact?

The freighter... If only desmond had time to tell penny he was on that particular freighter.. seeing that was the freighter that was at the antarctica when the hatch imploded and they called penny. That freighter was looking for the island, when the hatch imploded they found the island and phoned penny and then made their way to the island. Shame the battery died.
Also, it is Pennys dad who sent those guys to the island i think, remember you will soon see flash backs of him on the island.

It is also time for a supply drop pretty soon.

I am really looking forward to seeing if this tsunami plays a role in the show this week. I am betting it does.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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