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So this family of bluebirds has moved into one of the birdhouses in our yard.Well, the male bird has decided to "defend his territory" and take care of the female by pecking and attacking our windows and doors b/c they are polarized and thus mirrored,so it looks like hes fighting another bluebird to him.This little peckerhead has woken me up at 6AM every morning for almost a week!Its like Chinese water torture...then just about the time you think hes gone....PECK PECK PECK!!!!! FUCK! I'm going to shoot this little peckerhead and feed him to my cat if he doesnt stop.AAHHHHH!!! Make it stop!>:(

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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You've got a couple of choices. First, you can call on a pro golfer to come and accidentally on purposes take the bird out.

Our, you can invest in a fake owl. They usually do a good job.

3rd choice is to post a topless picture of yourself, I then promise after viewing said picture to invoke my mental powers to make the little birdie fly away.

This option makes the most sense of course.

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So you're upset because birds moved into the birdhouse YOU put up?

Wait til the eggs hatch (if there aren't any now, just wait, there will be) and the babies take off and just take the birdhouse down. You can even send the birds an eviction notice a week before you come knocking. They'll be fine.

Cover your windows until then and you're covered. Eggs don't take long to hatch.

Of course you could just go find some sparrows and ask them to come kill the bluebirds. They do that.

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Well, sorry. I figured anyone participating in a sport that (basically) requires you to be 18 would be talking about their own house. That was a stupid assumption on my part. I know a number of people who live with their parents who are well over 18 so I apologize.

But either way, bluebirds are dope! Appreciate them while you get to hang in such close quarters with them. Nature is a fucking trip sometimes. They'll be gone soon enough.

Don't feed them to your cat. Don't get swallows (they really will kill them, by the way). And relax. I'm willing to bet it's not the worst thing going on in your life. I can think of a million things that could suck way worse.

Sorry again for assuming.

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Set up your garden hose outside, with the sprayer latched open, and aimed at your windows or door.
Run one or more hoses together to the opposite side of your home.
When the shit starts, slip outside and turn the hose on.
Negative reenforcement.

"Now I've settled down,
in a quiet little town,
and forgot about everything"

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