
Weekend Numbers 2/29/08-3/2/08

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Worked an overtime shift on Saturday, so no jumpy. Went to the DZ Sunday and it was a bit windy for my taste, so just hung out, caught tandems and gave some packing lessons.
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I had a great time on Saturday at Skydive Tahoe in Minden, NV. Beautiful weather, cool people. Gloves optional towards the middle of the day. 8 tandems, and a 6-way RW.

We were winded out in Davis on Sunday morning, but at least it gave me some time to repack a reserve.

Beer owed for getting my senior rigger ticket last weekend (the weather was crap).
BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI
USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative

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Girlfriend is in town this week and she was still "playful" after I blew her off for a canopy control course. ;)

The no-shit canopy stall was fun, including the panic toggle raise followed by the oh-shit canopy dive. :o

The long spot was interesting (made it back just fine) and the braked approach was ok, but my arms ran out of gas around flare time. :S

It was a great weekend.

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