
The Brave One

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I have a house full of WOMEN! a wife and three daughters! One daughter is being lazy and soaking uP the sun in South Carolina.... The rest and myself watched this last weekend in the comfort of out home... We were intrigured... I have for the past few years been trying to talk my girls into some more defensive training classes JUST BECAUSE!!!
They have been enlisted for the past 4weeks!

Even tho it is HOLLYWOOD, they are aware that life is somewhat evil out here and so they have been enjoying theses classes knowing that they have some SECRET WEAPONS about them that ACTUALLY can and will work if faced in certain xituations....
I suggest that ALL women get some sort of training in self defense... Or you can become a VICTIM!!!

God forbid of course.....

peace and happy choke holds!!

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I thought it was well made and had some nice elements, but it was too obviously provocative.

The villains were pure comic-book, and the plot coincidences pretty hard to swallow.

I'm with you. The movie wasn't what I expected. I think Jodi Foster is an amazing actress and the movie did keep my attention, but I thought the messaging was pretty heavy handed. I prefer a story that makes me think and allows me to draw my own conclusions over one that leads me and tries to tell me what to think. I think The Brave One crossed that line because of the plot coincidences and "comic book" villains. Still, I thought Jodi Foster played the role of "accidental vigilante" really well and her performance was enough to keep me watching the movie.

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