
New NIN Release. Free Download.

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Interesting new strategy from Trent Reznor. He is releasing his new 36 Track CD online. Download the first 9 Tracks Free or for $5 get all 36.


Looks like at least one artist is learning how to make a living in the digital age. Maybe the Labels will start paying attention and realize their business model is no longer going to work in today’s world.

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My favorite SlashDot followup this morning:


A lot of users were having trouble decrypting it until they figured out it was supposed to sound like that.

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Maybe the Labels will start paying attention and realize their business model is no longer going to work in today’s world.

Maybe the oil companies will realize that solar and nuclear power makes more sense than fossil fuels :) The RIAA is pure evil. They aren't going to change until they are whittled down to almost nothing. Even then, they might not change.

Good opportunity for companies that are looking to replace the current model of recorded media sales. I think Madonna went with Live Nation as an alternative to Warner Brothers music. In ten years, the RIAA companies will probably just buy them, rather than be replaced by them.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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I think RIAA is doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing. The real problem is that the Business Model being used by the Labels is failing and they dont know what to do about it yet.

Artists no longer need Labels to get distribution. They can do it themselves over the internet. I think the Artists are going to make alot more money if they can cut out the Labels completely. The labels keep the vast majority of the revenues from CD sales. The artist actually sees only a small fraction of each CD sale. By taking the music dirsctly to the consumers and cutting out the Middlemen, I think we will get a better deal and Artists can make more money.

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