
Top 10 Reasons

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Well....after all the response on the Tandem page I figured this deserved it's own thread. Besides, it's two of my favorite subjects. Throw beer and you have what occupies 99.9% of my time.
Compilation of the top 10:
Why skydiving is better than sex.
1. You dont have to call the pilot the next day. He doesnt care!
2. If you skydive with someone it's not all that embarrassing if you forget their name.
3. In Skydiving it's expected that you pull out
4. You wont hurt yourself trying unusual positions in skydiving.
5. It's pretty hard to transmit diseases during skydiving.
6. You can use your rig over and over again. Unlike condoms!
7. You wont wake up all sticky after skydiving.
8. You wont be embarrassed if your friends see who you skydive with.
9. Skydiving doesnt make your tongue sore
10. You arent considered "strange" if you ask someone to watch you skydive.
I'm sure this thread will grow. It's a compilation of several I've heard lately. Your inputs are invited.

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Here is my top ten list of why skydiving is better than sex:
1. You can do it with members of the same sex without raising an eyebrow.
2. You can do a three or four way and it's considered normal.
3. You can do it solo in front of everyone.
4. Nobody minds being videotaped while skydiving.
5. Satisfaction is guaranteed.
6. There are no strings. You can do it with several different people without offending anyone or making anyone jealous.
7. You don't have to worry that you won't be respected in the morning.
8. You can do it 10 times in a day with no problem.
9. No need to worry about birth control.
10. People will do it with you even if you're ugly.

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8. You can do it 10 times in a day with no problem.

Not with some of the openings I had you can't. Believe me, being heavy does not mix well with underloaded Mantas and rental harnesses. Boy, I could hardly walk after a 7 jump weekend!
Heck, the other weekend the rental Laser ate up 1000 ft to deploy fully and I was happy the snatch force didn't make me see stars! (the DZ operator was not as happy and didn't let me use that particular rig again :(
How about this one:
* Doing RW for 60 seconds may actually be a lot.
* You are not supposed to deploy low to make it last longer.
* You are not expected to be happy about having to wait untill the altitude is right to jump.
* It's not embarassing to fart while skydiving (but it is nasty when somebody does it in the C182 with the door closed, I give you that).
* You don't have to worry about skydivers lying about their age.
* Breaking off is not awkward but mandatory, expected and natural.
* You don't have to wear clean underwear to jump with someone for the first time.
Still shedding whuffo-ness
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dang, even the crack-whores around here charge more, even for a BJ..

You need to travel more.. everything costs less in the third world

i'll keep that in mind for when i get really desperate..
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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...Sex doesn't cost $20 per jump, well most of the time anyway. ...

It doesn't? You gettin' it cheaper somewhere? Clue me in.

Since I haven't been working lately, I've been trading a bag of squirrels for it.

"...yeah, honey... I just don't see you as the 8-squirrel talent though... how about six?"

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I was bored, so was going through some old old threads, starting from the very last page. theres some fun stuff way back there!

Have you gotten a PM from one of the greenies about doing that? I did... :|

Oh well... :D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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