
Saving lives with your computer.

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Just added a 800mhz athlon to the fight....will be adding my dual athlon 1600 here in a minute......and prolly a third box in a week or so. I mean, why not? :)

Shit dude, you got me beat, I'm only adding 266 MhZ of raw computing power to this game.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Every little bit helps!

This is a blast from the past, but good that someone dug it up...

I see lots of new faces around here. Jump in and join the team. We're working for a good cause.

- Cajones

600/10000 and counting! Woohoo!

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Was just checking the stats (we're now 63rd) and thought it needed a bump.



the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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well, i dunno if the program still needs new users, hell, im not even REAL clear on exactly what the program is for :$ but if its for a good cause im in!! i just installed the program and its up and running......now i just need to read this thread and find out exactly what it is ive gotten myself into ;) thanks for the opportunity cajones!
Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

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Saving lives with your computer
Posted Saturday, April 5, 2003
By Cajones

Dropzone.com users have formed a team to help with a world-wide effort to understand proteins and their role in certain diseases. It is called "Folding@Home" and this effort is already producing results. Some of you may have heard about SETI@Home, and it's search for extraterrestrial intelligence by scanning the skies with radio telescopes and analyzing the signals they pick up from space.

Folding@Home (F@H) works much the same way, in that analysis of data is shared by many computers. Collectively, many computers become one, huge, super-computer. This "super computer" studies protein folding, misfolding, aggregation, and related diseases. Something much more meaningful to most of us than searching for extraterrestrial intelligence.

To help in this effort is very easy. You simply download a program from http://folding.stanford.edu/. And install it on your computer. The program only runs when you are not using your computer, so it doesn't interfere with any work you are doing.

When you install the program, you can also join the Dropzone.com team. Simply put "31515" for your team number. You can also do this later, or change to a different team at any time.

For those that are new to dropzone.com forums, I thought I would bump this up to get new eyes to take a look. It is a great way to help out.

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Figured it has been a little over a month so I would bump this thread to the top again. Our team ranking has been slipping and I see that our active members have been falling off. All the new guys, throw this puppy on your comp, espescially if you have 2000 or NT. Just run it as a service and forget it is there!

Happy Folding!:)

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