
surviving jump with no parachute out

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I've heard of incidents involving people surviving when accidentally falling out of planes and they've survived. This has happened a couple of times (litterally a couple - one guy famously in WWII who was in my Great-Uncle's squadron).

It can be survivable... but you've better odds of winning the lottery several times running. If you have a double mal, you better bet you're going in.

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i was told of an instance where a female jumper double mal'd and landed in a huge pile of manure and walked away. Was told it happened in the states somewhere. Any truth to this? Anyone there when it happened or is this just another campfire urban legend?

who Jah bless Let no man curse.

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that has to be an urban legend. I have yet to see a big pile of manure anywhere, much less near a DZ. the odds of landing in one would be pretty tiny. (and unless it was fresh, would be just like landing on hard dirt)

MB 3528, RB 1182

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actually there is a guy, and video somewhere, that had a double mal. Main riser caught out the reserve and caused it to spin outta control, stalling on the right hand side.

About 20ft off the ground the reserve catches on a tree and as a result swings him outward, converting his downward speed into a horizontal speed. He lived

It's a freaky video to watch, forgot where I saw it, but I was almost in tears[:/] (the video is from his cam helmet and you can hear him freaking out)
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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About 20 years ago at ZHills a dude apparently had a double mal and lived - a bit broken up but went on to skydive further on. Last year he broke his leg. Also at ZHills. Ask TK

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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i was told of an instance where a female jumper double mal'd and landed in a huge pile of manure and walked away

Sounds like a bunch of crap:P


actually there is a guy, and video somewhere, that had a double mal. Main riser caught out the reserve and caused it to spin outta control, stalling on the right hand side.

About 20ft off the ground the reserve catches on a tree and as a result swings him outward, converting his downward speed into a horizontal speed. He lived

I just saw that for the first time on "You Gotta See This". Its a very freaky video and his main risers are just snagged on the right hand corner (steering line I guess). I didn't hear how it happened but it shows him yanking on the other lines to counter the turn but, nada.. He hit what looked to be one of the only trees around. HOLY BLEEEEEP is what I said, scary stuff..:|

EDIT: Maybe the Mythbusters should do a show about the possibilities of survival;)

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i was told of an instance where a female jumper double mal'd and landed in a huge pile of manure and walked away. Was told it happened in the states somewhere. Any truth to this? Anyone there when it happened or is this just another campfire urban legend?

I'm almost positive I read of a foriegn girl with a double mal on her very first jump.....landed in a plowed field. Knocked her out, and i *think* she broke her little finger....but that was the only damage.

The amazing thing was that she went back up the very next day and did her second jump (first with an open chute). Had that been me, I would've taken it as a sign from God, and said "No thanks....I'm done."

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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Must share this...buddy of mine (now known as miracle mike and can't believe he or his wife haven't posted here yet) was jumping. Lots of theories on how it happened but in the end he had two out all wrapped up in each other. Just one big ball of crap over his head and he was falling fast.

About 20 feet off the ground the ball of crap snags a skinny lone tree which bends under his weight, slowing him and then snaps and plops him down in a cold puddle of mud. A few bruises and one big ass smile later he was fine.

True story. At the Ranch a couple years ago. There's still video of it. A camera guy at the loading area filmed his entire decent and miraculous landing. He still jumps. Just don't kiss him before you jump with him.

"Five days? But I'm angry now!"

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True story -

I'm at Bridge Day one year jumping a Manta. The winds always suck at Bridge Day, and I miscalculate and end up overflying the landing area. "No problem" I think "I will fly down that lane of trees and land by the turnaround."

Well, a Manta is a lot bigger than my normal canopy; I realized that it wasn't going to fit between the trees a few seconds before I got there. I also remembered that the worst thing to do is just brush the edge of a tree, since that will collapse your canopy. So I aimed for the middle of the biggest tree I could see, hit it square on, and grabbed a branch. I had just enough time to be proud of myself when the branch broke and I fell head-down towards the ground 50 feet below. At about 10 feet off the ground my canopy snagged on a branch, which flipped me over and slowed me down. Then it unsnagged and I landed standing up. Two EMT's were running up to me when I landed. "What?" I asked them, all innocent. They gave me a disgusted look and walked away.

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About 20 years ago at ZHills a dude apparently had a double mal and lived - a bit broken up but went on to skydive further on. Last year he broke his leg. Also at ZHills. Ask TK

I've also heard this story from somebody who used to jump at z-hills. Apparently he went terminal into some trees, and the branches slowed him down enough to save his life.

I also have a video camera that survived a freefall from 3000 feet when it came off my head on deployment.

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I had just enough time to be proud of myself when the branch broke and I fell head-down towards the ground 50 feet below. At about 10 feet off the ground my canopy snagged on a branch, which flipped me over and slowed me down. Then it unsnagged and I landed standing up. Two EMT's were running up to me when I landed. "What?" I asked them, all innocent. They gave me a disgusted look and walked away.

That is freckin hilarious!!! Glad you made it out whole but whoa thats freggin funny:D

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Two EMT's were running up to me when I landed. "What?" I asked them, all innocent. They gave me a disgusted look and walked away.

:D Pretty badass story. B|

I've read about some stewardess back in the 60s, maybe it was in Russia. Anyway, the plane blew up or something at 30,000 feet, this woman landed in a bank of snow and survived a terminal impact.

I certainly wouldn't want to test it out...but I suppose anything's possible.


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Many years ago I was reading a story about a young who enlisted in the paratroops in WWII, and his training at Ft. Benning and subsequent combat experiences in Europe. He tells the story about during training of seeing a Roman Candle (the chute not opening fully) and watching the guy hit. When he ran up, the guy got off ground with only bruised ribs and some scrapes. Turned out it was a chaplain.

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Sometimes whuffos tell me that they have heard people survived full speed malfunctions on the reserve.
Does anyone know of a situation where that actually has happened?

There are a lot of the malfunction (main and reserve) stories.

Kenny Shroyer used to have an annual Bonus Day keg out at Perris. He landed under some mal in a plowed and wet field in the midwest. People ran up to the crater expecting him to be dead. He survived with minor bruises. [c late 1970s]

There was a GK that landed on the front lawn of a DR - near Detroit some place. The lawn was very fresh sod. The DR. gave him first aid. The guy lived. [ c early 1980s]

There was an entanglement or partially inflated (round) reserve student that landed in the former recycling plant north of the Perris DZ. She broke a bunch of bones, but lived. [c early 1980's]

There's more over the years too. Lots of telephone pole and tree saves. Mike McGowan is a tree save.

for the sans parachute jumps see
Chuteless Jumps

Bill Cole, Rod Pack and Jimmy Tyler did exits without a chute & then were passed a parachute to hook up on.

Greg Gasson never did a chuteless jump - despite what the video looks like.

I have a dream that my posts will one day will not be judged by the color of the fonts or settings in a Profile but by the content.

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It's a freaky video to watch, forgot where I saw it, but I was almost in tears[:/] (the video is from his cam helmet and you can hear him freaking out)

Don't leave us hanging with a story like that and no video. Think, think, where did you see it and can you see it again?
I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!

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Greg Gasson never did a chuteless jump - despite what the video looks like.

I've heard people say this before. I've seen the picture of him and another guy holding onto his rig in freefall, and giving the camera thumbs up. How is that not a chuteless jump? Looked chuteless to me.

Just curious, that's all.


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