
The "I dont know you" Thread

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I lurk way more than I post, so hi everyone!:)

Well now you can post more than you lurk. this is your open door to post whoredom!
Wha-hoo. B|
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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I lurk way more than I post, so hi everyone!:)

Hey Stacey! A whore is a whole hell of a lot better than a lurker. A post whore that is. ;) you really get to meet some...uh...well...uh....people. Yeah, thats it, people on here. :D Post away and let the fun begin.
If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!

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I lurk way more than I post, so hi everyone!:)

Hey Stacey! A whore is a whole hell of a lot better than a lurker. A post whore that is. ;) you really get to meet some...uh...well...uh....people. Yeah, thats it, people on here. :D Post away and let the fun begin.

dont listen to her. She's a flake.
Oh, and her avatar is naughty. Naughty avatar! :ph34r:
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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I lurk way more than I post, so hi everyone!:)

Hey Stacey! A whore is a whole hell of a lot better than a lurker. A post whore that is. ;) you really get to meet some...uh...well...uh....people. Yeah, thats it, people on here. :D Post away and let the fun begin.

dont listen to her. She's a flake.
Oh, and her avatar is naughty. Naughty avatar! :ph34r:

Hey, I may be a flake. But I'm a cool flakeB| That's right and you like it too. So shut up!;)
If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!

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You were Dublin werent you?? How did I miss you?? Oh well.. Maybe next time.

I like the PM idea. Might freak a few people out to get random PM`s from strangers but since when has that ever stopped us from doing something.

Or maybe we should have an "I want PM`s from Strangers" Thread for the really shy people that still dont want to post in Public but want to meet a few new people.

Yep, I was in Dublin... I was packing tandems most of the time. When the weather was crappy Friday, a few of us went to Savannah to explore a little. I have a hot pink furry helmet, you can't miss me :)
I'll take PMs from strangers, that's ok!

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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If I'm going to be a (post) whore; should I get a naughty avatar, too? ;)

Go for it...quite a few people will love you for it. :D

See, even another dz.com lady thinks you need a naughty avatar. :ph34r:
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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If I'm going to be a (post) whore; should I get a naughty avatar, too? ;)

not at first...break yourself in to these horny, act like they never get it guys first. I swear, I think some of them get on here just to have something to jake off to. :S:D
If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!

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If I'm going to be a (post) whore; should I get a naughty avatar, too? ;)

not at first...break yourself in to these horny, act like they never get it guys first. I swear, I think some of them get on here just to have something to jake off to. :S:D

A freudian slip maybe? Do you have someone in mind!? :o:D

But shes right, we're all insane, and by all I mean the ladies too. ;)
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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If I'm going to be a (post) whore; should I get a naughty avatar, too? ;)

not at first...break yourself in to these horny, act like they never get it guys first. I swear, I think some of them get on here just to have something to jake off to. :S:D

Some of them probably do. But let's be honest...we have this thread - http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=320444#320444.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Interesting thread....:P

So yeah...hey dude, I don't know you...so....hi!B|:D

Hey there. What part of cali you from? Used to live on Edwards AFB so I know about souther Cali.

I am from Lancaster, I am sure you know the place. Small world being that I have seen you at the farm many times.:)
I love and Miss you so much Honey!
Orfun #3 ~ Darla

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Interesting thread....:P

So yeah...hey dude, I don't know you...so....hi!B|:D

Hey there. What part of cali you from? Used to live on Edwards AFB so I know about souther Cali.

Actually I'm originally from Ohio, but currently living in Monterey for the same reason. B| Be headed out soon though for Goodfellow in TX.

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Sample Text
If it weren't for me, J would still be the shy guy standing alone on the edge of the fire at his first boogie. I take full responsibility for creating "THE Jello J" . Look at him now! He's definitely the life of any party. I am such a proud papa!


So you have an incredibly big deck too? :D

How long did it take to create the Jello, as we know today. Seems to me he was a natural, just needed the right teacher eh?

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If I'm going to be a (post) whore; should I get a naughty avatar, too? ;)

not at first...break yourself in to these horny, act like they never get it guys first. I swear, I think some of them get on here just to have something to jake off to. :S:D

Some of them probably do. But let's be honest...we have this thread - http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=320444#320444.

:) I'm in heaven again. :D
If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!

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Sounds a lot like a real live dropzone.

Wow!!!!! Now the cool kids are gonna kick you out of their circle.

You shouldn't of done that.:o:o

hah! Yeah whatever.. shes in. :P

Well shes in MY circle at least. Whether thats where the cool kids are or not, we dont care. Screw you guys.. we have wine in our circle! :D

YEAH!! Thanks Kitty.

hello to all the other new posting people. I lurked for a LONG time. Then I moved to GA and am now becoming a post whore. It is a requirement if you live here. :P
Be patient with the faults of others; they have to be patient with yours.

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hello to all the other new posting people. I lurked for a LONG time. Then I moved to GA and am now becoming a post whore. It is a requirement if you live here. :P

Muwahahahah! >:(

...and soon the transformation will be complete...
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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