
whatcha drinking?

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you are the guy that is so FULLO'shite!

Well golly...If that offended you, I'm sorry. My granddad told me once (and I listened to him) to never compliment anyone cause a compliment is based on a stretched truth. He said to just speak the truth and if someone takes it as a compliment, great..if not, oh well...all I did was speak the truth, as I see it, from the atributes of your avatar. Meanwhile, I'll still be behind that couch...lol.


I didn't say you weren't sweet, I just said you were full oshite. You know, you can be BOTH at the same time....and thanks for the compliment!

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Since I'm sick with the flu or some other icky thing I'm having OJ and Vodka... Gotta get that vitamin C!

pppoooorrr baby, sorry to hear that. If you drink enough of the vodka, the oj can do it's work while you are out cold

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:P,,so whats wrong with bud light,,grinn..got lemonade and smirnoff here,,out of bud light,,damn my luck

I could only choke down one, and had to switch to Southern Dew. ;)

See ya in Rantoul, Sweetie, and you and Peanut better show up this time. :P
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I was enjoying very well mixed (read: very strong) jack and Dr. peppers. Its my drink, its what I always drink, its what I prefer. I switched to Shiner Heffer so I can wake up perfectly clean in the morning. I have a long day of shooting at the range followed by a long day of swooping at the DZ.:)

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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It was dirty Ketel One martini's (w/ blue cheese stuffed olives), but I've backed it off a notch to Columbia Crest chard. With dinner, it'll be Goose Ridge red blend, unless I've finished that, in which case it'll be Canoe Ridge red blend.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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