
zp vs F-111?

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Hey everybody,

I'm just off student status and buying some gear. I'm looking for a main canopy. As a student I jumped brand-spankin-new Sabre2's... now I'm spoiled until I found out how much they cost!!! Even used!! Well I'm in the market for a used one and dont know all the pros and cons to zp vs F-111 canopies... any guidance people? I dont want to break the bank right off the bat, I still need to afford to jump after I get the gear.... I'm all ears!

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You could get a brand new Fusion for less than most used Sabre 2s. Stick with the ZP canopies. They last longer, open better (esp as they age), flare better, resell faster hold their value better, etc...

The size you are looking for will narrow your search down, esp with regard to used canopies. There are tons of good canopies out there that can be had for less money than a Sabre 2 and will perform just as good, if not better. Don't get sucked in by those PD-only people that have never tried anything else.
NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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Here's a pretty good article from PD's wesite that explains the difference in detail...

The key to finding value deals in used gear is to be flexible. If you like the Sabre 2, then consider other canopies in that class... the Aerodyne Pilot, Icarus Safire 2, and Precision Fusion are all 9 cell canopies similar in performance to the Sabre 2, and are all fine canopies that you likely wouldn't be disappointed in.

The likelyhood of finding any one of them in a given size is way greater than finding just one of them in a given size.

Oh yeah, and don't be too picky about color. :P

"If all you ever do is all you ever did, then all you'll ever get is all you ever got."

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>Well I'm in the market for a used one and dont know all the
>pros and cons to zp vs F-111 canopies . . .

F-111 canopies wear out within 300-1000 jumps depending on size. ZP canopies will go to 2000 jumps. F111 slowly degrades over its life, causing the canopy to perform more and more poorly. ZP generally doesn't. F111 is easier to pack than ZP.

Some canopies, like the Silhouette, are half F111, half ZP. This gives you the best of both worlds in many ways. Easier to pack but will not degrade like F111.

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Stick with the ZP canopies. They last longer, open better (esp as they age), flare better, resell faster hold their value better, etc...

I agree. As I see it, the only reason to get an all F111 canopy is if you are really, really, really broke, since you can find used ones for a couple hundred US dollars or less.

Another downside to F111 instead of zp is that the flare is different. You can get away with a sloppy flare on an F111 canopy. imho, this makes it harder to transition to zp when you can afford one because you've learned bad habits under the F111 that you then have to break to competently land a zp canopy.

If you do decide on F111, DO NOT load it over 1.0. They weren't designed to handle higher wingloadings.

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Thanks, yeah unfortunately I'm broke-ass- broke, and I hate to be a sell out but there are some pretty good reviews on the Falcons....
I just dont want to throw away money, but a boy has to fly ya know! I hear the Silhouettes are somewhat of a combo, whats your feedback on those?

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Silhouettes are excellent canopies, I know several people that use them and are quite happy with them.


Silhouettes are excellent canopies.
The only reason they do not sell better is tbecause they were introduced after Sabre and Stiletto. Both those canopies earned good reputations before Silhouette was introduced. The market niches/performance envelopes of those canopies overlap Silhouette's envelope.
A couple of years ago, one of our junior jumpers bought a second-hand Silhouette 210 (he is a large lad) and he did hundreds of stand-up landings on the edge of the pea gravel bowl.
Similarly, the Canadian skydivers who jump in the worst possible conditions (Search and Rescue Technicians) jump 300 square foot Silhouettes.

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