
Mortgage rates? How far will they go this time?

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The last time rates dropped, around 5 or so years ago, I bit on a refinance rate when it hit 5.75. I was at something like 8 at the time and I didnt think they would go any lower.
THey dropped to around 4.5% in some circles. I was happy to save the money, but annoyed that I bit too early. The gambler's burden.

This time I'd like to know if anyone here has some intelligent info or advice to pass along. I'm watching the rates closely, and taking advice from all angles.
Pm's if you like!
Thanks in advance!

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It is real simple:

the longer you wait to refinance, the sooner the rates will drop after you close YOUR loan. :D

so PM me once you decide so that I'll know to wait a week:)

Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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The last time rates dropped, around 5 or so years ago, I bit on a refinance rate when it hit 5.75. I was at something like 8 at the time and I didnt think they would go any lower.
THey dropped to around 4.5% in some circles.


Seems 5.75 is pretty damn good. I'd require a full 2 point drop below that before I'd refinance. Think we will see it down to 3.75? Prolly not, but here is to hoping! I bought last year, locked in 6%. IF I see 4%, I may refinance.........

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i was able to lock in investment rental properties(non primary residence) at 6.25 in 2004...

you just gotta run the numbers...see if the cost of refi is low enough to save money in the long run. and, set up a bimonthly mortage that makes two payments a month...its within a few dollars of makeing one...but cuts like a year off the end of your mortage.

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I've been in the business a long time and I've never seen 4.5% on a 30 year fixed with no points. 5 years ago, about the lowest I saw was 5.5 and that sure didn't last long. Anything below 6% without excessive closing costs and no points is a good deal, same as it was 5 years ago.

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