
What the fuck is wrong with people?

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Is it worse that people do that to people or to animals?

Here's the order of priority from worst to least bad:

1. Animals, domestic or not, but especially domestic.

2. Old people. Maybe it's because I'm closer to being really old than really young, but even if they're mean and not all there I feel for 'em.

3. Kids. There's always someone willing to take care of the kids, but not always someone there for the animals or the elderly.

4. non-Old adults with problems not of their own making. Most have friends or family. Some do not.

5. Dumbasses who got themselves in a bad spot by being stupid.


6. People who do that to animals.

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> I think that today I have completely lost any remaining faith I had in humanity.

I wouldn't condemn so fast if I were you!

Some friends of ours inherited a dog when it was apparently abandoned by neighbors. They tracked them down; they had moved. Before they moved, they found another home for the animal, but it escaped and went back "home."

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Some people suck and don't deserve to share our air.

I'll second that...

Humans must by nature be evil. Parents believe anything their offspring say simply because they had them, believe nothing they say for the same reason, or worse just don't give a shit. Animals don't stand a chance if we do our kids that way.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Ya know what's worse? When you neighbor moves and leave the dog chained to a tree in the backyard...
... in winter...

I work with rescues on a regular basis and it never fails to amaze me how cruel people can be to animals.

I rescued a cat once that her 'owner' thought would look great covered in motor oil and set on fire B|>:( Thankfully she was adopted by a wonderful old man who had the patience to teach her to trust again.

Jen D.


I think that today I have completely lost any remaining faith I had in humanity.

My downstairs neighbors have apparently moved and left their cat behind. The poor little thing was out in the rain all night and this morning was sitting under my window, just crying. He was wet, cold and hungry.

I fed him, and am calling rescues to try to find someone that can take him in. He's light grey with white paws and chest, and once clean and dry, he'll be gorgeous! He's very sweet and came right up to me when I approached with cat food.

I don't remember the last time I was this angry. I just don't understand how someone can do this to an animal in their care.

Arianna Frances

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