
Been a while---Weekend jump numers for 1/19-20/08

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10 fun WS jumps at El'Snore as part of the intro camp for the WS world record. Was great to see the progress made from jump 1 to jump 10. Thanks to Jeff, Justin and Ed for the camp.

Met some SoCal and other-side-of-the-planet Dizzy.commers. Nice to have met LisaH, Shermanator, butterflysb and squeak.

Even had the chance to hang out with some of my family in San Diego.

Other than the mornings were a bit chilly, the weather was fan-fucking-tabulous. :P
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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rub it in.........
We haven't jumped since the week of the 12th.....but we did get 30 jumps in on that trip.....going to have to hold me over through the winter months.:|

DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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2 : 3 : 1 :)
i was waiting for that thread! got three jumps in, bought a nice jumpsuit, since my ordered one still hasnt turned up..

uhm yea, seen a parachute open almost in my face too! other than that, sun was shining, and packing in the sun, i got sweaty a little.. :)

“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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-10 would be the average temp (F) of Saturday and Sunday combined. I hate winter>:(.

I can't believe it was too cold this weekend even for us avid winter jumpers. >:( It was a good weekend to log some time on the new skis though!

Was that on the ground? We jumped at Skydive Dallas and I heard altitude temps, with wind chill, from -31 to -73. I don't know about the accuracy in that, I just know it was cold up there. That didn't stop most of the KS Coalition from making 10 jumps. Felt kind of bad for the staff that could have gone home had it not been for us because the Texans were all whining about being too cold. Maybe that's the advantage of a turbine in your back yard.
It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

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Did my two jumps....

999 a 7 way with one dude so low it was funny

1000 a tandem with my hubby, Art, Tammie, Kerry, Rick, Jeff, Tom Hayden (World Record Holder) Al, Tammie's friend (I forgot your name...sorry) and Jeff on video.

TONS of pie thanks to Tammie, lots of hot water thanks to Art, saved my sunglasses thanks to my husband, and beer owed and paid. Thanks Palatka gang.B|

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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