
Dengue Fever in the U.S.

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Climate change is increasing cases of malaria in Kenya, various viral diseases in Australia's outback, and tropical dengue fever in the U.S. "Widespread appearance of dengue in the continental United States is a real possibility," write Anthony Fauci and David Morens in a commentary in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Climate change and poor efforts to control mosquito populations are contributors to the potential problem; in addition, write the authors, "The combined effects of global urbanization and increasing air travel are expected to make dengue a growing international health problem for the foreseeable future."
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Agree that emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases -- including more obscure ones like chikungunya [CHIK] -- are an under-recognized issue (beyond those linked to 'bioterrorism').

What would you recommend & why?


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Agree that emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases -- including more obscure ones like chikungunya [CHIK] -- are an under-recognized issue (beyond those linked to 'bioterrorism').

What would you recommend & why?


...NUKES because it'll kill all the mosquitos...and it'll get rid of the nuclear threat.
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