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Your post confuses me a little. You loved your Sabre2 170 & had great openings with it, but you tried one Sabre2 135 and didn't like a few of its openings, so you went with something else?

This leads me to believe there may have been something wrong with that particular Sabre2 135. Since it was a demo, did you let the demo center know you had problems with it? Is it in trim? Have others had similar experiences with it?

I'm also not excluding the possiblity of packing issues since a smaller, more highly loaded canopy may be less forgiving of packing errors than a larger, more lightly loaded one, assuming the 170 was packed the same way.

As you have already experienced with your 170, harsh openings are not a normal characteristic of the Sabre2. Most "complaints" for these canopies are for closed end cells, which are not actually a bad thing. You don't generally get those from a hard opening canopy. ;) Most slow inflating canopies (Spectre, Safire2, Sabre2, etc.) have the occasional closed end cells that are easily inflated by riser or toggle input.

In my (albeit limited) experience, most "off heading" openings can be attributed to line trim, packing, and/or body position during the opening with any canopy. There can be some lemons out there, too, of course, but any reputable manufacturer will replace a problem canopy when it is determined the problem is with the canopy and not the user. B|

I experienced a diving opening one time on a Sabre2 because I was trying to control the opening with the risers. Next time up, I just let it do its thing and had a very nice, on heading opening. That has continued to be my experience on Sabre2's.

I'm glad that you found the canopy that makes you happy, I just wonder if your decision was based on a "bad" demo.

Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.

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I got a Safire2 189 demo for this weekend and jumped it 2 times yesterday. I love this canopy. The openings were so nice and it flies really well. The only thing that I did notice with it is, like some one said in this thread already, you have to flare them down to your toes...:D. That is'nt really an issue for me though. I really liked it and will have my order in for one this week.

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Will you get a chance to jump the Safire again? If you do, after opeing, when you unstow the breaks, check see to how much slack there is. In full flight, the break lines should have enough slack in the to be slightly bowed and not distort the tail like they do when you pull down on them to turn of flare. Then take one wrap on the toggles / steering lines. If this still doesn't distort the tail try flying the canopy and landing it like that, you may not have to flare down to your toes... :S;)

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I have been wanting a Safire2 189 but can't seem to get it without waiting 3 months or so. What does everyone think about the openings of the Sabre2? Have they completely fixed the opening issues that they had with the Sabre 1? I have a Sabre 1 now and have decided not to jump it anymore because of the openings. No matter what I do it still slams me.B|

I put 52 jumps on a sabre2 when I was looking for a canopy. After my "adventure" with the sabre2 I went with a pilot.

I had 5 slammers (one grounded me for 3 weeks) and 3 on heading openings, yes all the rest of the openings we 90+ off heading in both directions. I used reputable packers and video of body position while opening, the damn thing just had a mind of it's own. Once open it was fun to fly but I felt as though the negative opening characteristics far out weighed the positive ones.

just my $.02

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