
Is it egotistical to think this way?

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Nope, not egotistical, you're just bored with your job.

Do you have any ideas on what you would like to do? Even if you don't have a specific idea, do you have a general concept of some kind of job you'd like to do?

You know what I think a good job would be? Tow truck driver. Those guys can make a killing!
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I agree Sherm... I did almost 26 years in the construction trades 16 as a plasterer and 12 of those owning my own small company, so I know how you feel painted a$$ guy! I have been away from it for almost three years and still haven't fig out whats next!! Therefore I am semi retired!!!;)
two more years until the baby grads high school and I will be selling EVERYTHING and buying a motorhome to hit the dz circut.... Then I'll see if I can be of any worth somewhere!B|B|B|

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If you're happy being a carpenter, but think it's not 'prestegious' enough, then that is a bad. Be happy with what you do. If you don't like being a carpenter - then by all means go find something that does make you happy.

FYI, i have mucho respect for carpenters. It's amazing to see what they can do.


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I'm currently a carpenter but I want a job with a little more prestige and respect so I can feel like I've done something with my building talent.

Is it egotistical to want something like this?

No, it is definitely not egotistical. If you like the line of work in general, you might look at teh field of construction managemnet. There are some good programs out there in this area.
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safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy

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What type of work do you do; furniture, cabinetry, Production homes, Custom Homes? Maybe you just need to stay in carpentry but change what line you do. It's an honorable business.
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because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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FYI, i have mucho respect for carpenters. It's amazing to see what they can do.

I know!!!! like the carpenter in the movie 'Overboard' .. he makes the closet with the shoe rack that rolls around... but then again.. he made it of Oak, and everyone knows that closets are made of ceadar or the moths will get to the clothes!
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I'm currently a carpenter but I want a job with a little more prestige and respect so I can feel like I've done something with my building talent.

Is it egotistical to want something like this?

Ever thought of becoming a builder? Be happy you can make a living building something with your own two hands. You are gifted. Wish I was.
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I read a study once that said, among other things, that garbage men were more satisfied at the end of the day with their job than most college professors. I'm proud of my job, yet many around me aren't satisfied unless they climb the ladder into management. I've refused so far.

Many very successful people are from the blue collar trades. Are you self supporting and happy. Do you have money in the bank and some investments for the future? Do you have a certain amount of security in you job? Most of these things don't depend on what your occupation is, but what you make of your occupation and your earnings. Work your way up, run a crew, start a remodeling company, there are many ways to succeed from where you are.

No matter how much I make, I make sure I live within my means. That lets me enjoy life.

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FYI, i have mucho respect for carpenters. It's amazing to see what they can do.



me too! as long as they "measure twice and cut once"... I have fixed many a crooked wall with my trowl!!!

Nowadays, they hope that the painter can do it.

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