
Mouse trap car question

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My daughter is doing a mouse trap car for science class. We are having problems with finding out who invented this thing or rather who first studied it. She searched for a few hours and I've been trying to help after her search was ineffective. Her car is coming along though!!

thanks for any help. Also if you have made one and have pics of it can you post them?


otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Did you miss the CAR Part of the question? Reading is your friend.

No shit about google dude. I've been googling the fuck out of this subject as had my daughter. I would obviously go there before here.

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Well we've been getting further now. almost 10 meters of travel so far. need to figure out how to reduce rotating mass. we are using CD's as wheels but the washwers we are using as spacers are slowing it down.

on to more trials it seems

thanks for the links though..:)

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Did you miss the CAR Part of the question? Reading is your friend.
No shit about google dude. I've been googling the fuck out of this subject as had my daughter. I would obviously go there before here.

Hey, we were never taught to read in Alaska. When you live in an igloo and get around by dog sled there is no need for the written language. :P When I Googled mouse trap car the first thing that popped up was a link to 10 pages of pictures and you were asking for pictures. I really don’t remember what I was thinking at the time. It surly wasn’t that you were an idiot. I apologize if that is the way it sounded. I ran out to start my car (it is -22 F) and when I got back I Googled, who invented mouse trap car. The link I posted came up and I thought I saw car in there some where. I was on my way out the door to the gym so I really didn’t read much. Glad it is comming along though. Try some graphite on the wheels and see if that speeds it up some.

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