
Commercials on Sirius?? WTF??

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I turn on my radio and I hear commercials every other song.


It clearly says no commercials!


It was bound to happen. Look what MTV was like when it first came out. Now compare it to today. Totally different and I hate it now.

I know, apples and oranges... but things change over time.
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On the music channels? on the talk/sports and comedy channels there are commercials but it is supposed to be uninterrupted MUSIC.

XM has had commercial on their music channels for at least 2 years that I know of.
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Look what MTV was like when it first came out.

Or for those of us old enough to remember when cable television first came out. Same thing, no commercials, and they said that they never would. Took them about 5 years to start with the commercials.

I had XM Radio for about a year, and I never believed it - they can and will play commercials just as soon as the marketing people convince the executives how much money is at stake.

Best thing you can do is protest with your wallet. I canceled XM radio when they went from $8 to $12 per month. It was a good move on their part - they were going to lose some customers like me, but not 1/3 of them, and they increased their profit by 50%. Make sure to tell them why you're canceling. Plug your iPod (or Zen in my case) into an FM modulator, and never listen to a commercial again.
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