
Time-Out Evolution battery

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This is a bit of a long shot but I need a battery for a Time-Out Evolution. Anyone know where I can get one in the UK at short notice? If so, call me at the DZ at Tilstock on 01948 841111 or email me at colin@theparachutecentre.com.


Colin Fitzmaurice

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It's an audible altimeter made by Cool 'n Groovy but they stopped being made before you started jumping. It was a sound piece of kit but it was soon out-designed by the Dytter family of audibles. However, mine works fine but needs a new battery.

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I have some somewhere in the store. But I can't vouch for their charge. They have been sitting in stock for a few years. :S

I would be happy to send them out and let you see if they work. Not sure if I can get them for you in time.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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If you can find them I'd be grateful. I wanted something for the weekend as I'm off to Spain for a few days but it's not that important as I can borrow an audible for the time being. I just don't really want to scrap a perfectly good unit for the want of a battery. Email me if you find anything and thanks.


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It looks like Allied Electronics (www.alliedelec.com) has the batteries in stock. Eagle Picher went into bankruptcy and is in the final stages of reorganizing, so you might want to pick up a couple extra in case they discontinue this product.

Here's a the order page: http://www.alliedelec.com/search/searchresults.asp?SearchQuery=LTC-3PN-S2

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