
Download those You-Tube videos while you can...

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I think we all knew this was coming sooner rather then later

Oh totally. Now that they have money (Google,) it's just a question of time.
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Or maybe not:

Universal publicly threatened to sue YouTube before reversing and signing a partnership with the company last week to distribute its music videos. Universal was persuaded after YouTube agreed to pay a small licensing fee for the material and to share associated advertising revenues.

Looks like they got what they were obviously after ($$$).


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Google is too f'n smart. No way they would purchase a company on the verge of a lawsuit without having a plan. I would be willing to bet they talked to Universal long before they actually made the decision to actually purchase. Then to gain publicity Universal "threatens" to sue. Expect a lot more of this because it is apparent that Google intends to make You Tube the first internet television channel. Unfortunately, that likely means viewers will have to subscribe.

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Unfortunately, that likely means viewers will have to subscribe.

That may be the case, but it will be no great loss. There will always be user-generated internet sites, just as there will always be p2p file sharing programs, they just can't be stopped. When YouTube goes that direction there will by many others to take it's place. In fact, they're lining up as we speak. If you don't believe me, check out DailyMotion.

People who want to share information will share information. Authorities can shut down or restrict these venues one at a time, but they can't stop the desire and the overall trend. This is not the end of some sort of golden age of the internet, it's just another road block on the superhighway.

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You think that thousands of peolpe should get their music for free?

that fucks the artist as much as it fucks the labels.

Well, we are talking about music videos on youtube, if I'm correct, not sharing music.

But going on tangent of sharing music here..
I'd say that sharing music fucks music labels and "artists" more than real artists/musicians.
Years ago, musicians made money playing concerts, being on tours, not selling tapes/cds.
Now we have people who can't sing (labels signing anybody marketable) who's only chance of making money is selling albums, because they suck in real life.
Labels want $, they don't care about the true artists (who are doing well playing concerts btw). Now add few lawyers in the picture ...

But it's just my theory
And yes, I'm a B| arrrrrrr
1.music labels sniffing money + lawyers
2.? (lawsuit)
3. profit

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Unfortunately, that likely means viewers will have to subscribe.

That may be the case, but it will be no great loss. There will always be user-generated internet sites, just as there will always be p2p file sharing programs, they just can't be stopped. When YouTube goes that direction there will by many others to take it's place. In fact, they're lining up as we speak. If you don't believe me, check out DailyMotion.

People who want to share information will share information. Authorities can shut down or restrict these venues one at a time, but they can't stop the desire and the overall trend. This is not the end of some sort of golden age of the internet, it's just another road block on the superhighway.

I agree completely. Sharing cannot be stopped. However, that wasn't my point.

There were many "analysts" that stated it would be stupid for any company to purchase You Tube because the only reason that they haven't been sued yet is because there wasn't any money in it. Well they are correct IF You Tube continues to operate under its current model.

Google, on the other hand, has vision and understands that people will love to have the option to subscribe to cable, satellite, or internet television in order to view their favorite shows.

Of course I am just speculating but IMO its the natural evolution of TV and its about f'n time. :P

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Google is too f'n smart. No way they would purchase a company on the verge of a lawsuit without having a plan. I would be willing to bet they talked to Universal long before they actually made the decision to actually purchase. Then to gain publicity Universal "threatens" to sue. Expect a lot more of this because it is apparent that Google intends to make You Tube the first internet television channel. Unfortunately, that likely means viewers will have to subscribe.

Actually Fangoria, The horror Magazine, has Fangoria tv online that you can subscribe to. www.fangoriatv.com. You can get 4 hours a week free and if you subscribe you get four more hours. It is coming to regular cable but who knows when. AND look for me and the show I am on to be part of it! www.midnightshadowshow.com If you watch the first bit of the free stuff you can see me for a quick second :)
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Actually Fangoria, The horror Magazine, has Fangoria tv online that you can subscribe to. http://www.fangoriatv.com. You can get 4 hours a week free and if you subscribe you get four more hours. It is coming to regular cable but who knows when. AND look for me and the shoe I am on to be part of it! http://www.midnightshadowshow.com If you watch the first bit of the free stuff you can see me for a quick second

Exactly what are you doing on a shoe????:D:D:D:P

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You think that thousands of peolpe should get their music for free?

that fucks the artist as much as it fucks the labels.

Aren't you the guy who pointed me in the direction of bittorrent? :S:D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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>You think that thousands of peolpe should get their music for free?

Hundreds of millions of people get their music for free, via a new technology called Frequency Modulation Radio. I'm sure someone will be going after those people next . . .

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I trule hate music industry. Money sharks. They would sell their mothers to make more $$$
It makes me [puke]

Yes. Because as we all know that once you've invested money to create something, you -should- just give it away.

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I trule hate music industry. Money sharks. They would sell their mothers to make more $$$
It makes me [puke]


Yes. Because as we all know that once you've invested money to create something, you -should- just give it away.


Quade, I have to admit that it is not uncommon for me to disagree with you. On this occasion, I'm right there with you. Excellent statement.:)


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>You think that thousands of peolpe should get their music for free?

Hundreds of millions of people get their music for free, via a new technology called Frequency Modulation Radio. I'm sure someone will be going after those people next . . .

Not exactly true. Free radio is paid for by advertisers who in the long run defer the cost to the customers.

But my real point is that people can download an entire discography from the internet for free. the radio doesn't play EVERY song from an artist.

That's how the artistmakes the money. they give you a free sample of their talent than if you want to hear more you have to buy the CD. pirating sidesteps that process.
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Nope. that why some major CD stores are going out of business.(tower stores)

That and many of those who do buy, buy from the internet. Still there are many who do not BUY from the internet. Itsnot limited to music. When I was in Korea I could get ANYTHING (mostly multi-media related) before the published release date.

that's why the record industry is whining so much about sales dropping.

Remember when metallica was famous?
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