
New Vigil Safety bulletin

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In France it is mandatory to replace. It concerns in the US vector 1 and 2, mirage g3 and g4 and talon.

AAD nv/sa Advanced Aerospace Designs
193 Bld A. Reyers, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium • T: +32 (0) 2 732 65 52 • F: +32 (0) 2 732 06 27
info@vigil-aad.com • www.vigil.aero


Date : 18th April 2006
Subject : Damages Stated on the Plastic Loop protection Heads of the Cutter
Status : Replacement of damaged cutters and loops
Identification : Any reserve parachute of which the cutter is located above the
pilot chute and which has been closed by mechanical means to
increase traction force or closed with a temporary pin directly
placed on the cutter.
A particular attention is requested to look carefully that the small plastic loop protection heads of
the cutter(s) are not damaged during the repack of the reserve. If any degradation sign is
detected on the plastic loop protectors, it is imperative to replace the cutter unit and the loop to
avoid any reserve loop deterioration.
We would like to remind you that it is not allowed to use inadequate mechanical tools (force
reduction systems) to close the reserve parachute. Those mechanical systems could implement a
too important traction effort (above 10 daN maximum according to the TSO norms) to release the
pin of the reserve parachute (see pictures #1, 2& 3 of Russian + South American + European Tools).
The use of an inadequate mechanical system or the wrong placement of a temporary pin can
cause the crushing of the cutter against the grommets or the temporary pin during the closing of
the reserve (for example: using a temporary pin placed above the pilot chute, then placing the
flap with the cutter and start traction on the closing loop with the temporary pin still in place).
Those closing techniques could create such forces that the pressure between metallic grommets or pin
could damage the plastic protection ring as even the stainless steel cutter body (see picture # 4).
Any damage of these plastic heads could provoke a deterioration of the reserve closing loop by
friction during transport or use of the equipment. Those deteriorations could cause an
inopportune opening of the reserve container (see picture #5).

For your information, a new cutter body is currently in test phase and will be implemented after
test finalization. This new design will be without plastic protection heads.

Hereby AAD also would like to remind you that the cutter location above the pilot chute is not in
question here. We even recommend to place the Vigil cutter as close as possible to the reserve
closing pin and this on all types of parachutes.
If your equipment has a Vigil cutter located under the pilot chute, you are not concerned by
this bulletin.

Jo Smolders
Managing Director
Advanced Aerospace Designs

62 rue de Fécamp - 75012 PARIS
Tel - Fax : 01
e-mail : ffp@ffp.asso.fr - Web : www.ffp.asso.fr

Le 19 avril 2006

Référence : JMS / 06 / 0959

OBJET :Dommages constatés aux bagues de protection plastique du sectionneur Vigil et précautions à prendre lors de la fermeture du parachute de secours Matériels concernés :TOUT ÉQUIPEMENT DE SAUT AVEC UN SECTIONNEUR VIGIL SITUÉ AU-DESSUS DE l’EXTRACTEUR DE SECOURS MESURES A PRENDRE :
Pour tous les équipements concernés et susceptibles de sauter dans les structures affiliées à la Fédération Française de Parachutisme :
1° Arrêt immédiat des sauts
2° Ouverture sur table du conteneur de secours sans nécessité de repliage de la voilure de secours.
3° S’il n’est pas constaté de dégradation de la bouclette ou du sectionneur :
A – Refermeture sans utilisation de système d’augmentation d’effort B - Noter l’action sur le livret matériel ( cette action ne vaut pas repliage
périodique) 4° S’il est constaté une dégradation de l’état de la bouclette ou un endommagement de la bague de protection ( même minime)
-Arrêt de vol pour le matériel -Contacter le revendeur ou l’industriel pour avis et action
-Informer la fédération ( Eric FRADET)
Personnel qualifié : PLIEURS
Date d’application : AVANT LE PROCHAIN SAUT
Texte : voir ci-joint le bulletin service de la société AAD

- Président F.F.P, DTN, Directeurs Techniques, CTP, Plieurs / Réparateurs
- Advanced Aerospace Designs
- Etats Majors de : l’Armée de Terre - l’Armée de l’Air - de la Marine
- C.E.V.A.P, E.T.A.M.A.T Montauban
- Direction des Sports Monsieur MORLET
- Paramag, FFP Contacts

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CSPA tried to ban "positive leverage devices" during the 1970s, because of container damage.

Ergo, I have never achieved proficiency with PLD, preferring to develop my own tool.
My "packing hook" is merely an old B-12 snap (with gate removed) slipped onto a molar strap.
I wrap the molar strap diagonally around my shoulders so that the hook hangs in the middle of my chest, a convenient place for tying on the pull-up cord.

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would this also cover infinity rigs? mine had the cutter on a closing flap and i was thinking that if the 'device' was used in an up-down orientation it would be putting significant pressure on the cutter. side to side wouldn't be so bad.
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MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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It's about time that the VIGIL mfg. will print a SB regarding that issue.

I found 2 cutters that the plastic was broken/damaged in h/c that the cutter is on the reserve container pack tray like Wings & Javelin & that the cutter is in between the free bag & the container plate grommets.

The damage option is not limited to the over the p/c cutter setting in h/c like TALON, VOODOO, GENERA & Mirage after SB 12/04

Before setting any AAD in a h/c it MUST be approved by the h/c mfg. !!!

Riggers, please check the cutter plastic in each rig which have a VIGIL, even if the cutter is on the pack tray or under the p/c or on the top of the p/c.

I hope that VIGIL mfg. will replace the old present cutters with the new cutters at no charge as a service.

Safe Rigging !!!

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It's about time that the VIGIL mfg. will print a SB regarding that issue.

This happened on my first repack on my Wings container. Initial assembly/pack was Feb '05, first repack was June '05 - Vigil was notified at that time of the problem.


I hope that VIGIL mfg. will replace the old present cutters with the new cutters at no charge as a service.

In my case they did replace the cutter free of charge.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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The cypres plastic sleeve that protects the loop is on the inside of the passage hole that the closing loop goes through. It does have one.

From the cypres website;

When packing rigs with CYPRES it is important to inspect the passage hole of the cutter to make sure that the protective plastic sleeve is intact and in place. This sleeve protects the loop from the blade, and is also severed when the cutter fires.

The plastic sleeve on the vigil is much more obvious and appears to be thicker.


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In my case they did replace the cutter free of charge.

Lucky you. Only in your case. We in Holland have to have our rigs mandatory checked now for any faulty cutter of Vigil. Neither these cots or those of a replacement cutter will be reimbursed by Vigil!

They claim in the SB send to the German and Netherlands Parachute associatins that the broken cutters are purely rigger error and has nothing to do with the design.

My rigger is furious as this is not true. I am furious because my Vigil just became 200Euro extra! Mainetnance free? MY ARSE!!!!!!!!!!!! (repack, cutter, shipping cutter...)

Vigil states literally that this is the responsibility of the customer which rigger to choose and that therefore nothing will be reimbursed and this includes a new cutter!

Is this common practice? (i am new) But I don't think so according to my rigger. How about the riggers in the USA?

Thanks for any advise

I am new on this forum, my details will come later.


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They claim in the SB send to the German and Netherlands Parachute associatins that the broken cutters are purely rigger error and has nothing to do with the design.

I can understand why you are upset at the added cost.

But why should Vigil pay for damage caused by someone else? I have not packed many rigs with a Vigil but I have also not damaged any. Ask your rigger if he is willing to pay. He is the one that caused the damage.

I have found that when instructions and manual are followed things work out better.
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If the design is so vunerable that this problem is widespread, and requires a SB, should Vigil be entirely excused? Or at least supply the replacement parts at a better price - 200euros seems like it would be well over cost.

It does point out the dangers in doing cost comparisons based on a newish product with marketing notions like 20 year lifespan and no preventative maintenence. 200 Euros might wipe out the entire potential savings.

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Regardless of following instructions, it's pretty obvious that the design of the plastic sleeve on the vigil cutter is a poor one.

Even the stainles steel grommets on the reserve flaps get dents in them. Anyone with a bit of mechanical reasoning skills would see that the the plastic sleeve of the vigil cutter will be subject to damage.
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If the design is so vunerable that this problem is widespread, and requires a SB,

Do you have any idea how wide spread the problem is or what it would takes to require a SB?

Skydivers are great at bitching about the cost of their toys and that is just what any skydiving gear is, a toy. They shop the lost price item they can find andt then bitch because it does not work the way they think it should.


200euros seems like it would be well over cost.

Do we know this is what Vigil charges or is this just the posters best guess?
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Anyone with a bit of mechanical reasoning skills would see that the the plastic sleeve of the vigil cutter will be subject to damage.

Does that mean any rigger that installed a vigil lacks even a "bit of mechanical reasoning skills"?

If it was so obvious maybe the riggers should have refused to do the work.
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I am wondering that Vigil does not come with a simple jumper friendly solution:
Free repair of damaged cutters by a vigil certified rigger

I checked a cutter made 12/2003 and it was simple to replace the
small plastic loop protection heads.
It cost me 5 seconds to remove them. (and insert again cost me the same time)
If the construction of the cutters after 2003 is still identical it may possibly an
“in the field job”


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Does that mean any rigger that installed a vigil lacks even a "bit of mechanical reasoning skills"?

If it was so obvious maybe the riggers should have refused to do the work.

No sir, that was referring to the manufacturer. They make mass quantities of the product. Chances are they have squished quite a few of the cutters between grommets. At least enough to notice that plastic squished between hard metal would be less than optimum.

The service bulletin already states a new cutter design is in the works.
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Does that mean any rigger that installed a vigil lacks even a "bit of mechanical reasoning skills"?

If it was so obvious maybe the riggers should have refused to do the work.

No sir, that was referring to the manufacturer. They make mass quantities of the product. Chances are they have squished quite a few of the cutters between grommets. At least enough to notice that plastic squished between hard metal would be less than optimum.

The service bulletin already states a new cutter design is in the works.

Once upon a time, I was hanging out in Elizabethtown drinking some beers with a few friends. The topic of conversation was "How do you feel about manufacturers doing product testing in the marketplace?"

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Spent a lot of time learning about our gear did we?

I spent time learning about my kit, but not every piece of kit in the market. How am i likely to see a cyprus cutter unless i have one, or am bothering a rigger doing someone elses repack. That kind of thing isnt what is normally displayed in the DZ shop.

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...20 year lifespan and no preventative maintenance. 200 Euros might wipe out the entire potential savings.

If someone is worried about a 200 Euro difference over 20 years, they're in the wrong sport. Vigil is just another flavor. If the cutter fires, a repair is required, or a mechanism is damaged you simply have to pay up.

Edit: I got a vigil not so much because it's cheaper but because it was available and something lasting 20 years is better than something lasting 12. Who knows. At 12.5 years it might self check something that is irreparable and I'll have to buy a new AAD.
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Do we know this is what Vigil charges or is this just the posters best guess?

This is on the German safety bulletin:

Bemerkungen: Die Beschädigungen werden laut Hersteller durch unsachgemäßes Packen verursacht.
Die Kosten für Containeröffnen / - schließen sowie den Austauschcutter
(1 Pin: 100,- € plus Steuer und Fracht, 2 Pins: 200,- € plus Steuer und Fracht)
hat daher der Kunde zu tragen!

In English (sort of):
The damage is -according to the manufacturer- due to "unequal" packing therefore all costs (opening container, new cutter (100-200 Eur.), taxes and freight are for the custormers own expense.


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