
Crossover Helmets/Goggles

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I've noticed a tendency for skydivers to spend lots of money on "specialist" helmets which are probably no more suitable to skydiving than helmets designed for other disciplines, except perhaps for an internal audible pocket. The well-loved Gath Skyhat for example is an old modified sufing design.

Has anyone had any success with helmets from other disciplines? The only major requirement I can see is that it's lightweight, and allows you to tilt your head back in arch (so it must have a high neck line).

I became interested in this idea recently 'cos I have a pair of prescription ski goggles which I want to try skydiving, and they fit much better over a helmet than with the strap under. However, most skydiving helmets don't have retaining clips for over-helmet goggle straps.

It's a BPA requirement for inexperienced skydivers to wear open face hard helmets with no peak. However, there doesn't seem to be any stipuation beyond that, concerning conformity to various safety standards etc.

G. :-)

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As in the US, the instructor will want to see your eyes. Beyond that, I would be very surprised if any DZ will let students jump their own helmets until they are qualified (and not students therefore!)

Most DZs use the pro-tec and it is probably the best helmet for the purpose, I would go with that until after your A Licence. Then it is a case of running your helmet choice past the CCI and some experienced jumpers.

Ski helmets do get used, but normally modified to remove the clip on the back which could catch on stuff. I would also strongly recommend against the use of Ski goggles: they are not shaped to accept the wind from below, they are designed to get blown at from in front and I suspect that they would not stay on long. With the strap over the helmet the chances of them staying on are also pretty limited.

there are some great (and inexpensive) skydiving goggle designs out there, I am sure you can find one you like!



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I thought that must be the case. It's always nice to know that the student isn't asleep and is paying attention, checking their alti etc. :-)

Up 'till now I've been happy using Skyeyes, those kroop style goggles. They're very cheap if you lose them, and great if you've got good eye-sight. My eye-sight is only a -1.00 prescription, but I'd like to be able to see the windsock a bit clearer some days. :-) Also, with fancy goggles you can get polarised lenses and other anti-glare options and useful stuff like anti-fog. Only the other week I watched quite a hard a downwind landing which the parachutist blamed on misted up full-face helmet. Full-face doesn't really appeal to me at the moment even if I was qualified to wear one.

G. :-)

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Found this really good site which might be of interest to anyone else reading this thread who's in need of prescription goggles:


Just ordered me a Bonehead 'Pimp Daddy' helmet which I think should last me a while. No more sloppy Protec rentals with flappy external radio pockets for me. :-)

G. :-)

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I got me a Leedom Scream helmet and hacked off the rear goggle holder. I used it on the last few AFF jumps. My instructors made sure i had adiquate hearing. As long as they could see my eyes and i could hear them clearly.

I paid less than $40 and its well suited for noggin hits. It used in snow boarding.:S

here is a link to what it looks like.


I also removed the vent slider. It was another catch point.

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It's a BPA requirement for inexperienced skydivers to wear open face hard helmets with no peak.

Could an instructor reply as to why students can't wear full faced helmets? I can think of two, but can also think of a rjeason why they would be a good idea (help with face plant protection on a bad landing).


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Hey G.

Our store carries several styles of perscription goggles. From inexpensive to quite expensive.

If the goggle is too cheap, the foam and the frame wear out quickly. THen you have your expensive scrip lense in there. :(

I have had good success so far with the SG-1 by Wiley X.

Skii Goggles are not low profile enough. They'll fly right off your face and bye-bye goggles.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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I jumped with a rather good paragliding helmet, it had way more protection than a skydiving helmet and was smaller & lighter than say a motorcycle helmet, but ultimately gave up on the idea. The fullface chin was too long and the lack of suitable neck & visor seal & its shape undermined my objectives. In the end I didn't modify it.

I think most skydiving helmets are expensive and lack significant protection (IMHO), but there's just enough about their design to make them worth getting that you wind up bying one to jump with anyway.

If you come up with an alternative lemmie know. If you want something cheap get a protec while you wait on your full face jump numbers if that's what you're after.

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I've already bitten the bullet (odd expression) and ordered a Mindwarp 'Pimp Daddy' from Bonehead Composites. It's a little more than I was planning on paying for a helmet, but I know someone else who's got one and they do look nice. Also I think it will be easy to get a nice fit as you can bake them in an oven to fit better. Also gives me an upgrade path later if I want to bolt a camera housing to the helmet, so an investment I suppose.

Will take a few weeks to arrive, so in the mean time I will be using a Protec still, the only helmet I've used to date. Not the most comfortable thing, but it does the job.

Oh yeah, all you crazy people who don't wear helmets, I think you're crazy! :-) Only recently someone at my local DZ hit their head off the tail of the plane as they jumped from the camera step. He was okay, but could've been a lot worse if he'd not been wearing a helmet. Never know when it's gonna come in handy.

G. :-)

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