
Made in Honduras

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Hi, and Blue Skies to all, without getting into talking about global politics, I
was just wondering which parachutes are made in the USA. I always though PD was out of Deland, but I see Made in Honduras on the main label. I've been absent form the sky for a spell :( - hence my need to update my knowledge.

Thanks and blue ones

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Performance Variable prod. in Slovenia and Sri Lanka
Parachutes de France prod. in Mauritius and SA
Paratec Next Containers are made in GB
Aerodyne had prod. in SA
HiPeR prod. in South Korea
Icarus prod. in Spain and New Zealand

and so on..

Guido Reusch

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Having previously worked at PD, I can tell you that your statement that all PD Reserves are made in Honduras and all mains are made in DeLand is not in the least bit accurate.

I am sure a PD representative would be better suited to put the facts to paper as I haven't worked there for 2 1/2 years now and currently work for a competitor, It wouldn't be fair for me to comment much further than this.

Kind Regards


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My understanding is that certain PD canopies are made only in DeLand due to their complexity or because of military regulations. As for the ones made in DeLand only due to their complexity, it's mostly a matter of spending the time and money to train our sister factory in Honduras when these designs aren't in the largest part of the market anyway (Velocities, Lightnings, Vengeance).

Swooping is big, but there are far less people qualified to have a Velo than there are people who want them... :P

Where each canopy is made (other than the above mentioned) depends on the necessary turn around time for their production. Most people take their reserve from stock and don't order custom, hence the turn around time needed is less, so many of them are assembled in Honduras.

Where something is made is much less important than HOW. The same strict attention to detail can be found at both factories. For those who fear "third world" labor: the material quality control, cutting, and final inspections are all done in DeLand, while Honduras does the assembly for those canopies manufactured there. Not that it matters, though. The Honduras factory is top notch with a great group of dedicated employees who know how important it is to do it right.

I've never bothered to look where my main or reserve were manufactured (purchased long before my employment at PD) because I know the design, process, attention to detail, and strict tolerances are the same whether fully cut, assembled, and inspected from DeLand or Honduras.

To the original poster Flying_Penguin, you might find more information on this topic here http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1950700;search_string=PD%20Reserve%20Made%20in%20Honduras;#1950700. Be warned, though: global ignorance abound in that thread... [:/]

Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.

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Thanks all, great comments – I appreciate the feedback, I’ve been BASE’n and away from the fossil fuel burning, big-buck world of skydiving. Its great to be able learn form you all.
Kim, living up to your nick name Thread Killer,
I hope others are not intimidated to answer my Original Question, ‘Which ones are made in the USA?’

Please note, I never questioned the quality of a Honduras made canopy.

Please don’t feel the need to be defensive and assure me that PD is top-notch, I know this and love them as the “Harley-Davidson” of American Skydiving. My favorite wings are a Spectre and a Velocity.

So if I order a new custom color Spectre for wingsuit, where will it be made? What about a custom color PDR?

Thanks and Blue Skyz, soft openings and don’t cross the beer line
All the Best

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Where each canopy is made (other than the above mentioned) depends on the necessary turn around time for their production.

Sorry, I thought that would answer your question. There is no particular "schedule" that I know of to determine what canopy will be assembled where, other than maybe what canopy it is or what the turn around time is.

Every order is put into que once it is received and "computer voodoo" ensues. :D I'm quite sure there's a lot more to it than that, but I'm not a production manager. I just try to stay out of their way (but I do ask a lot of questions). ;)

I didn't mean to come across as "defensive." Just trying to provide some information to those who may be leary of canopies manufactured outside of the USA while trying to answer your question at the same time. Some people are very "uninformed" (nice way of saying ignorant) when it comes to that kind of thing. :S

If it is something important to you, I would suggest that you call PD (+1-386-738-2224) and explain what you are trying to find out, so you can be directed to someone at the factory who can possibly answer your question. I mean, that's what I would do if I had a question for a manufacturer that wasn't explained in the owner's manual or on their website...[shrug] :)

I don't think anyone who has the knowledge to answer your question would be intimidated, only the one's who have no useful information to offer. Just trying to save you the time of picking through BS. You're welcome. :P

So, you're going to mingle in the sky with us "fancy" plane jumpers, huh? Cool! Altitude is fun, too! :)

Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.

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My guess is that it's because some people still like to flat pack.

The only time I even notice them is when I'm closing the bag and one is sticking out in the way. While annoying, it isn't enough to "send me over the edge." ;)

They do seem to be quite handy for riggers in the inspection process and when attaching the lines to risers, so maybe there's more to them than packing preference?

Dunno, but I'll ask. :)

Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.

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My PD Sabre2 was not made in the USA. Production date 11-05

A few weeks ago I stopped in at the PD factory and no work was being done at any of the shop tables... although it was towards the end of the day.

I beleive final inspection is all that is done at the shop in Deland any longer. Canopy production has been moved overseas.

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Hey JeepDiver!
I'd like to invite you to come back to PD for a visit, and see quality canopy manufacturing with your very own eyes - right here in the USA :)However, you will have to show up before 3:30, because our production gang keeps a different schedule than the office staff.

However, this world is certainly getting smaller, and businesses more and more going global. That goes for any industry (from manufacturing to medical). There are a number of good books out on the topic, if anyone is interested - "The Earth is Flat" is a nice one to start with!

At the end of the day, the more qualified and passionate people that come together in designing, developing & manufacturing canopies the better for the sport of skydiving as a whole.

The people that work for PD are a key factor in the success of our products - so naturally we do what we can to make sure that the work environment is good and our staff happy and healthy.... that goes for the staff at DeLand, in Honduras - and even that lone Dane across the big pond that oversees our operations in Europe :)

Blue Skies,
Blue Skies Magazine

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Interesting...I just opened a brand new PD Main and the label says made in Honduras as well.

the only conclusion I can make here is that the label was made in Honduras?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Hi Thomas!

I can't remember what time you came by to pick up the demo canopy, but I do recall it being very late in the afternoon (4pm-ish?) and you were standing in shipping, which only allows you to see part of the factory.

From there, you can't see the laser tables and cut part inspection areas, which run for two shifts, unlike the production floor. As Kolla mentioned, the production staff arrives early in the morning and leaves at 3:30 pm SHARP. If you don't believe me, come rolling into the parking lot at 3:29, have a seat at the picnic table, and watch the mad dash. :D

Maybe you are upset because you weren't able to pick up the canopy at that time? Come to think of it, you said you were going to call me the next day or the day after with the information I needed so that I could ship it to you, but I never heard from you. I would still like to provide the demo if you're still interested. :)
Were you "spooked" by all of the unmanned sewing machines and inspection tables and that's why you didn't get back with me? ;)

We invite you to come by for a tour of our facilities. We offer them at 3pm any working day and I assure you, you will get to experience the deafening roar of sewing machines, workers talking and laughing, and many other canopy producing "sound effects." ;)

Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.

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You totally wrong !!!

Take a tour at the work hours, see the wonderful people working there for us the skydivers to be SAFE & happy.

PD Deland works as always, a lot of main & reserves are done there & in Honduras as well.

For all the skydivers wondering about Honduras facility - the canopies mdae in Honduras are as good & safe as the canopies made in Deland, it is a PD product from A to Z.

Safe Rigging & Jumps !!!

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