
any Ex- Paratroopers on here?

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hey I was A co 2/504 White Devils. Did you have the pleasure of playing in the sands of Saudi. I had got out of Abn school and sent to Ft Bragg. Being an 11B I got sent to Saudi within 2 weeks. We were probably at Ft Nix together (named after Col Nix Bgd commander) I never knew officially what the place we were at was called. Let me tell you, being a cherry in Saudi was not a good time, and I was the last cherry to arrive till we redployed back to Bragg. I earned my CIB in more than a few ways.

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I was on every trip that first brigade made from 87 to 91.

I was in 1st Platoon with Sloan (PSG), Howard, Anderson, Strange etc.
Second had Mikey as the PSG
Third had Gordon as the PSG and we had a shit load of characters in that company. The leader of those with such character was 1SG Sparks one big hairy tough SOB! he owns a hog farm north of Bragg.
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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I heard tale that the Ninja got busted in SETAF as the CDR when he was having a fling with the aides wife!

He was a unique fellow, lived out the "Ninja Nix" mystic at BGD HQ from time to time. ;)

It was real fun watching him crush our platoon leader for lying to him.[:/] We all felt like we lyed when he got done with it.:|

The PL was young and on his first assignment and trip all in one month, he didn't know the Co SOP or BN SOP (about equipment tie downs) and mispoke we did the whole dployment minus that first month with SFC Sloan as the PL.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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SSGT SLoan was my Platoon Sgt! Of course I remember Sparks. He looked like he was 50, and had a fur coat sticking out of his BDUs! It's been so long and I can't remember names, but our CO was that blonde West Point guy who slept with his DCUs under his cot so they always looked pressed with all those crease marks. My squad leader was that Spec Forces guy (was it Howard?) who used to be an SF Capt but got passed over so many times he took an E-6. He always had that rash on his nose that made it peel constatntly like he had leprosy. I remember SLoan had that low slow hooooah. "ok listen men, we're going to be doing blah blah blah....hooooooah?

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the oldest military jumper

Well, I _think_ Markus Jackal might have you beat. ;)

Cargo Chute - mightqa friggin helped. Nothing like being the JM, being last out and first on the friggin ground.>:(
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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When we got back, Sloan and Howard, and a few other stayed around. Just after Saudi alot of the guys either ETSed (they were on a freeze because of the deployment, or took an early out they offered soon after we got home. I never heard from Nix again, though interesting to hear the mighty was was falible. Hey you remember Parachute Bob (stuffed DCU dummy we were jumping him off the roof of the building, jump commands and all)from Kobar Towers???? We had the MPs and the world come down on us and lock us in the building for causing near a near riot. Nix allowed us to wear our berets for just that one day in Kobar, and were relegated to going back to Kevlar after starting all those problems.

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Dave-a big dude who became a Border Patrolmen( '92 ish ?) if so same guy
Kenny (the other Anderson went to SF) but he was skinny and boozed up a lot had the IROC Z-28


Mikey Lavoie was the SF guy (who was Major and got riffed after Vietnem in the draw down). He eventually became the 1SG but reitred as a Major. His dad is a well known CSM (RET) who has a street at Benning named after him.

Sloan came to Aco a SFC from SFO Det (D) but did have the super slow drawl.

"Patches" was the nickname for the PL who got fired.
The big dude was the PL in Panama who was our XO in Saudi.

Our Company went to Hondo, Panama and Saudi with about 80% the same personnel from '87 to '91.
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Nope.. Wrong Dave. The one I knew got out was short wirey guy... went reserves, then got into IT.

I knew a "Captain Patches" in SF Reserves...
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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Well I was a brand new cherry. I got to A co in Late October. I never knew Sloan was Delta. He remained my Plt Sgt till just after Hurricane Andrew. Most of you mustard stains (as we came to know you) eventually left in 91 and 92. The last to go was that 11C guy who got the purple heart for being a heat casualty in Panama(he always hated that fact). I almost got a mustard stain towards the end in 94 when we were to jump in Haiti, but it wasn't meant to be. A good number of the guys in my generation 90-94 in 2/504 died in 94 from the green ramp accident.

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Hubby doesn't post, but he was HHC 2/75th Ranger Rgt.

I was trying to get an airborne slot but I broke both of my damn feet rappeling so I didn't push the request at that time. :$

By the time I felt they healed (well the bones grew back together I guess you could call that healed :ph34r:) I was stuck in a unit that didn't want me airborne. :S

Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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