
A test for us old kids

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My daughter just sent it to me. I thought it might be interesting to see some of the answers that would show up here.


01. After the Lone Ranger saved the day and rode off into the sunset, the grateful citizens would ask, Who was that masked man? Invariably, someone would answer, I don't know, but he left this behind. What did he leave behind?_______ _______.

02. When the Beatles first came to the U.S. in early 1964, we all watched them on The ___ __________ Show.

03. "Get your kicks, ___ __________ ___."

04. "The story you are about to see is true. The names have been changed__ _____ ___ _________."

05. "In the jungle, the mighty jungle, ___ _____ _____ ______."

06. After the Twist, The Mashed Potato, and the Watusi, we "danced" under a stick that was lowered as low as we could go in a dance called the "______."

07. "N_E_S_T_L_E_S", Nestle's makes the very best....... "___________."

0 8. Satchmo was America 's "Ambassador of Goodwill." Our parents shared this great jazz trumpet player with us. His name was _____ ____________.

09. What takes a licking and keeps on ticking? __ _____ ________.

10. Red Skelton's hobo character was named _______ ___________ and Red always ended his television show by saying, "Good Night, and "_____ ________".

11. Some Americans who protested the Vietnam War did so by burning their________ ____ or ___.

12. The little car with the engine in the back and the trunk in the front was called the VW. What other names did it go by? ____ or ______.

13. In 1971, singer Don MacLean sang a song about, "the day the music died."This was a tribute to ______ ________.

14. We can remember the first satellite placed into orbit. The Russians did it. It was called __________.

15. One of the big fads of the late 50's and 60's was a large plastic ring that we twirled around our waist. It was called the _______-____.
"safety first... and What the hell.....
safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy

POPS #10490

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1. Silver Bullet

2. Ed Sullivan

3. On Route 66

4. to protect the innocent

5.The lion Sleeps tonight

6. Limbo

7. Chocolate??? (Not sure)

8. Louis Armstrong

9. The Timex watch.

10. Dont Know??

11. Draft cards or Bras?

12. Bug or Beetle

13. Kennedy Assignation?? (Not sure on this one)

14 Sputnik.

15. Hula Hoop.

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My daughter just sent it to me. I thought it might be interesting to see some of the answers that would show up here.


01. After the Lone Ranger saved the day and rode off into the sunset, the grateful citizens would ask, Who was that masked man? Invariably, someone would answer, I don't know, but he left this behind. What did he leave behind? Unpaid bar bill.

02. When the Beatles first came to the U.S. in early 1964, we all watched them on The Gong Show.

03. "Get your kicks, hooking on route 66.

04. "The story you are about to see is true. The names have been changed to piss off the guilty."

05. "In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion eats your wife.

06. After the Twist, The Mashed Potato, and the Watusi, we "danced" under a stick that was lowered as low as we could go in a dance called the "limbo-lapalooza."

07. "N_E_S_T_L_E_S", Nestle's makes the very best....... "diabetics."

0 8. Satchmo was America 's "Ambassador of Goodwill." Our parents shared this great jazz trumpet player with us. His name was Louie the lip.

09. What takes a licking and keeps on ticking? Timex lollipops.

10. Red Skelton's hobo character was named Freddie the freebaser and Red always ended his television show by saying, "Good Night, and "Gazuntite"

11. Some Americans who protested the Vietnam War did so by burning their Draft cards or bras.

12. The little car with the engine in the back and the trunk in the front was called the VW. What other names did it go by? Beetle bug or Hittler humvee.

13. In 1971, singer Don MacLean sang a song about, "the day the music died."This was a tribute to Buddy Hacket.

14. We can remember the first satellite placed into orbit. The Russians did it. It was called Sputtering Nick.

15. One of the big fads of the late 50's and 60's was a large plastic ring that we twirled around our waist. It was called the Chastity Belt by Whammo


~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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1. Silver Bullet

2. Ed Sullivan

3. On Route 66

4. to protect the innocent

5.The lion Sleeps tonight

6. Limbo

7. Chocolate??? (Not sure) I thought it was cocoa

8. Louis Armstrong

9. The Timex watch.

10. Dont Know??

11. Draft cards or Bras?

12. Bug or Beetle

13. Kennedy Assignation?? (Not sure on this one) plane crash that killed Buddy Holly and Richie Valens

14 Sputnik.

15. Hula Hoop.

I didn't know #1 or the first part of #10, but think the second part of #10 is "Good luck". I had the tune to #3 in my head but couldn't remember the words.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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My daughter just sent it to me. I thought it might be interesting to see some of the answers that would show up here.


01. After the Lone Ranger saved the day and rode off into the sunset, the grateful citizens would ask, Who was that masked man? Invariably, someone would answer, I don't know, but he left this behind. What did he leave behind? Unpaid bar bill.
15. One of the big fads of the late 50's and 60's was a large plastic ring that we twirled around our waist. It was called the Chastity Belt by Whammo
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Some how I knew I could count on you to have the right answers!!!:)
"safety first... and What the hell.....
safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy

POPS #10490

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1. Silver Bullet

2. Ed Sullivan

3. On Route 66

4. to protect the innocent

5.The lion Sleeps tonight

6. Limbo

7. Chocolate??? (Not sure)

8. Louis Armstrong

9. The Timex watch.

10. Dont Know??

11. Draft cards or Bras?

12. Bug or Beetle

13. Kennedy Assignation?? (Not sure on this one)

14 Sputnik.

15. Hula Hoop.

10 is Freddy the Freeloader and Good Night and May God Bless

11. Is draft cards, not bras

13. is Buddy Holly ( I only know that one b/c I graduated from college in Buddy's home town)

I love history!!!!!

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My daughter just sent it to me. I thought it might be interesting to see some of the answers that would show up here.


01. After the Lone Ranger saved the day and rode off into the sunset, the grateful citizens would ask, Who was that masked man? Invariably, someone would answer, I don't know, but he left this behind. What did he leave behind? silver Bullet

02. When the Beatles first came to the U.S. in early 1964, we all watched them on The Ed Sullevin Show.

03. "Get your kicks, on Route 66."

04. "The story you are about to see is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent."

05. "In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight."

06. After the Twist, The Mashed Potato, and the Watusi, we "danced" under a stick that was lowered as low as we could go in a dance called the "Limbo."

07. "N_E_S_T_L_E_S", Nestle's makes the very best....... "___________."

0 8. Satchmo was America 's "Ambassador of Goodwill." Our parents shared this great jazz trumpet player with us. His name was Louis Armstrong.

09. What takes a licking and keeps on ticking? Timez.

10. Red Skelton's hobo character was named _______ ___________ and Red always ended his television show by saying, "Good Night, and "_____ ________".

11. Some Americans who protested the Vietnam War did so by burning their Draft Cards or ___. (weren't bras a women's rights thing?)

12. The little car with the engine in the back and the trunk in the front was called the VW. What other names did it go by? Bug or Beetle
13. In 1971, singer Don MacLean sang a song about, "the day the music died."This was a tribute to Buddy Holly. (also Ritchie Vallens and the Big Bopper who died in the same plane crash-but primarily Holly)

14. We can remember the first satellite placed into orbit. The Russians did it. It was called Sputnik.

15. One of the big fads of the late 50's and 60's was a large plastic ring that we twirled around our waist. It was called the hula-hoop.

I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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11. Is draft cards, not bras


I think it is BOTH.

Bras were burnt for a different reason.
"safety first... and What the hell.....
safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy

POPS #10490

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11. Is draft cards, not bras


I think it is BOTH.

Bras were burnt for a different reason.

A movement that ended all to quick if ya ask ME! :$

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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