
Way to kick someone when they're down

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Columnist, Mike Thomas is chiming in now.

He also wrote this in his blog:


Attorney John Morgan outraged by Casselberry lawsuit

Just got this e-mail from him...

When Florida's best known personal injury attorney blasts a personal injury laswuit, you know the case has problems. Morgan sent a note this morning about the column I wrote on Police Sgt. Andrea Eichhorn filing a lawsuit against a family because she slipped on a water puddle responding to the near drowning of a baby.

Here's what he had to say:

"How can I give money to that family. I have urged the Florida Trial Lawyers to expell that guy (Eichhorn's attorney) from membership. This will be national.''

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Thank GOD he was family. I surely would have expected a lawsuit from anyone else.

Wow, that's a pretty bleak look at our society, if you would EXPECT a lawsuit from a friend who falls in your house.

What a bunch of pussies we are. Falling down, oh no. I was in a hurry the other day running through my kitchen wearing socks and tried to take a turn and ate it, hard. I fell flat on my side, and my girlfriend laughed her ass off. I'm still alive and kickin. :)

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I thought the same thing after seeing numerous kids in Florida drown...we have LOTS of pools here.
You can't always prevent your kids from wandering into someone else's pool.
Teach them to float as infants, swim ASAP thereafter.
Red Cross or YMCA offer amazing programs for lil ones.;)

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I just don't think that "kids can wander off" is good enough. If you have a pool (hell even if you don't) it is YOUR resposibility to know where your toddler is at all times. The mother is getting off to easy by saying shit happens.
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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I have always thought of myself as an overly protective parent...I've never "let" my kids out of my sight...but a time or two in public when you just turn your head and they're gone...it happens Rick.
Especially with more than one kid ;)

I would agree with you than having a pool adds immeasuably to your responsibility though...God does it ever.

Those damn retention ponds on every corner are a bit much as well. We USED to be able to play in the neighborhood as kids...[:/]

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Things like this chip away at the already damaged reputation of law enforcement in general. Sadly, things will only get worse.

Law enforcement agencies across the country are lowering their hiring standards. The pool of truly qualified applicants to police departments is shrinking. The low pay, poor benefits, terrible work hours, and ever increasing risk of being killed, injured, and/or dragged through the mud on television are not very attractive. Therefore, departments are resorting to hiring people who aren't qualified enough to get a better deal elsewhere.

If you don't want less qualified (and possibly less ethical) cops, let your state, county, and city officials know. I hope the majority will push to keep standards high, even if it means spending more to attract the right people.

Rant over.
The supreme irony of life is that hardly anyone gets out of it alive.
Robert A. Heinlein

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I have always thought of myself as an overly protective parent...I've never "let" my kids out of my sight...but a time or two in public when you just turn your head and they're gone...it happens Rick.
Especially with more than one kid ;)

I would agree with you than having a pool adds immeasuably to your responsibility though...God does it ever.

Those damn retention ponds on every corner are a bit much as well. We USED to be able to play in the neighborhood as kids...[:/]

I just cannot agree. When Dom was born Deb quit her job to stay home with him. When he was as young as this poor kid that went into the pool you better believe he was never unsupervised. After all he was only 1 year old. We are not talking about a 4 or 5 year old here. A 1 yr old should always be supervised.

edited to add: sorry to get all SC on you:P I am just tired of the news talking about this poor mother what about the poor kid that she was supposed to be watching.
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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Any half decent judge would thrown that shit out and fine the cop for wasting the courts time. what a bunch of shit.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Casselberry officer fired after suing injured boy's family

"Two months ago, after hundreds of people from across the country voiced their outrage, Casselberry police Sgt. Andrea Eichhorn dropped her lawsuit against the family of tiny, brain-damaged Joey Cosmillo. It wasn't enough to save her job. On Tuesday, the Casselberry Police Department fired her..."
Full story: Here

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that is awesome! She got what she deserved!

Yeah, good riddance, what a douchebag... :S lump her in the same shithole with that judge suing the cleaners for millions over a lost pair of pants... :|
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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No--definitely not against pools. I would just worry constantly about the babies so it's just not worth it to me. If I didn't have little ones I would love to have one.


Do you teach there?

No, but I am a member.;)

Have you thought about teaching your kids to be water safe?


There's a couple of little ones who have gone through this program here, and they're amazing to watch!

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No--definitely not against pools. I would just worry constantly about the babies so it's just not worth it to me. If I didn't have little ones I would love to have one.


Do you teach there?

No, but I am a member.;)

Have you thought about teaching your kids to be water safe?


There's a couple of little ones who have gone through this program here, and they're amazing to watch!

I've seen that before, it truly is amazing. :)

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