
Minimum Provocation for Violence?

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Kwai Chang Kane should be the model for us all.

Pebble snatcher!

Hmm, yeah, I imagine I wouldn't really worry too much about anyone smashing my face into a curb if I knew I could instantly incapacitate nearly anyone on the face of the earth with my bare hands at a moments notice. Basically, if you knew you could kick anyones ass (including several people at the same time), then there would be no need to be as proactive or excessive in your response. For those of us who don't need to register themselves with local law enforcement as a lethal weapon, the situation is a bit different.
Gravity Waits for No One.

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I've never hit anyone in my life. I've thrown a glass something at the wall before, though. Actually, I think I threw a few things that night.:$:D:P It felt good at the time.:S

I've been hit. But I've never been hit by anyone I wanted to hit back.

I have, however, told Billy if some guy "ever did that to me (you know, like a scene in a movie you're watching) you better kick his ASS! I'll bail you out.";):D


Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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This weekend I had my wallet stolen out of a local gym along with 5 other guys. Someone came in and broke the doors on the lockers and stole mainly wallets. Several of the guys were looking for whose ass to kick. The person who got my wallet got $5.00 cash and an ATM card that was cancelled before they could use it. If they are that stuck for cash, I would have given them the $5.00. Didn't get that emotional at all. The same day a neighbor became threatening to my next door neighbor and I stepped in the middle of it. Bottom line, if someone is going to physically hurt someone, and you are able to help stop it, it is a civic duty.
Of course the fact that I am an Ohio State fan probably doesn't help :)

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My thanks to everyone who replied to the poll. I realize that it was completely unscientific, but I'm still glad to find that ninety-two percent of any group considers violence to be acceptable only as a response to other violence. And I hope that the categories helped a few people put things into perspective.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." - Carl Sagan

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