
Things kids today have never seen

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I was thinking about things from my past that I used to see all the time that my kids will probably never actually see...

Like a mimeograph. Who here remembers the smell of mimeograph paper? Ahhhhh...

Or punch cards. Back in the day, my mom used to have a couple for Fedco and stuff.

I can't even remember the last time I saw a Polaroid camera. And does anyone here remember BETA? Or rotary-dial phones? Or how freaking AWESOME the Atari 2600 was.

Some of them don't have the happiest memories. Like 8 track tapes - they always clicked over during the good part of a song. Or those television antennae on the top of every home?


My wife is hotter than your wife.

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My wife and I, were just today, talking about rotary phones! Several years ago, a little neighbor girl asked if, she could use our phone to call her mom. I pointed to the phone and let her make her call. Shortly, she re-appeared and said she did not know how to use that type phone. So, my wife helped her. Yes, we caved-in and got a push-button phone!:D
What about black and white T.V. and 13" screens? I grew-up with those. Bazooka bubble gum... Do they still sell it?:D


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and remember "ditto" sheets, where you hand cranked the ditto to make multiple copies.

A few years back, I found a brief case that looked like a typewriter case. The sales girl said "I've never used a typewriter. I heard they used to have something called 'word processors.'"

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A channel-changer knob on a TV?

And they would always break off, so you had to fit them on before you could turn the channel. My parents had remote control, it was called my brothers and me. :P

I was just telling my kids the other day about how everyone just had one phone in the house, usually in the kitchen. Most had a reallllly long cord so you could try to get some privacy, but the damn cord always got twisted up!

We were at the Magic Kingdom the other night...remember when you had to have tickets for each ride?
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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We had party lines when I was a kid. I'll bet a bunch of you don't even know that that is.

I still have rabbit ears on my television. I've never had cable... and I own a Polaroid camera that works! :)

What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy
ones? -- Monday.

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Leaded gasoline

pull tabs on cans

Mr Potato Head smoking a pipe

Taco Bell fire pits
Eating outside at a Taco Bell
Eating a Bell Beefer at Taco Bell
(hmmm, a taco sounds good about now)

I guess that was before the thought outside the bun! :D
I am NOT being loud.
I'm being enthusiastic!

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Only 5 channels on the TV. PBS, CBS, NBC, ABC and a local network.[:/]

AM/FM radio in the car without an 8 track, cassette player or CD player.

Radio antennas on your car that would break off in the car wash if you didn't manually push it down. Electric ones if you had a more expensive car.

Car phones.


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