
Things kids today have never seen

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My son and I were painting at Grandmas house last week, getting ready to sell it, since she died.
We got to the baseboard and there was a small electrical looking box with 4 small holes in it. My 30 year old son looked at me and said "hey mom, what the hell is this?"

anybody wanna guess?

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Dimmer switch on the floorboard your car?

In Bryan/College Station, TX those are still required! Too many Aggies were getting their foot stuck up by the steering wheel otherwise!:P:D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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a people powered lawnmower

I have a whole garage full of neat old tools. For instance a scythe. (sp?) You don't need string for the trimmer, or gas, and you can take it out into the woods and leave all kinds of other crap behind, and just get the job done. It also doesn't weigh anywhere near what a gas powered string trimmer weighs, so you can hold it at arms length for hours and not get tired.
Somewhere, I have a square hole drill, and finger planes down to 7 mm

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Do you realize that in about 40 years, we'll have thousands of OLD LADIES and men
running around with full body tattoos and multiple piercings? :o

our rock music is already now classic rock [:/]

(And RAP music will be the Golden Oldies!) :P

(I.C.D#2 VP)
""I'm good with my purple penis straw" ~sky mama

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yeah, there's another thread on here with a similar theme.

I am somewhere in between "generations" Too young to be a baby boomer & too old to be Generation X.

But I've noticed a few things about SOME people I know from older generations: the inability or slow ability to embrace new technologies.

Technology does not advance at a constant rate, it accelerates. So for those of us in our early 40s, our life is radically different than it was in our late teens/early 20s. Earlier generations can't say that so much.

We are USED to new shit coming along every few years that we have to learn how to deal with. I've noticed that sometimes with older people, they kinda fold their arms & refuse to learn this new-fangled stuff.

I had to learn how to operate a computer. Then I had to learn how to deal with new software. Then I had to learn what the Internet was. Then I had to learn about cell phones and IP3 players etc. And more new shit will come along very soon, and I will learn that too.

So there is an advantage that we have over some of the old farts.
Speed Racer

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-City buses that didn't take those metro cards, and the driver had to visually count the amount of $ you dropped in...

-Lawn Darts

-Those pastel/neon colored baseball caps

-buying blank cassettes in bulk to tape your LP records
Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.

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Phone Jack?

Ah, I see I am not the only ancient one on the forum this evening!

That kinda hurt... :|:D:D:D

See, you know I always tell the truth, and the truth hurts!

It was the ANCIENT part that hurt. :P

But. Beyond mine & anybody that's known me long . surprise...!! I'm still here!!!! :)
I am NOT being loud.
I'm being enthusiastic!

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