
Things kids today have never seen

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I'm not that old but I remember...

Atari 2600--My brother wanted one. My dad said he had to earn his own money to get one. He got a paper route and bought one, brought it home and my dad ask, "What are you going to hook it up to?". My brother had to call the newspaper company back so he could save up enough to buy a TV to hook it up to.

Jarts!! Just this summer I went online to try to find a set to buy for the dz. I found out that they are now illegal in the US. WTF! But I suppose jarts and skydivers are a recipe for disaster so maybe its a good thing they are illegal.

The yellow skis that you strapped onto your boots.

We had a rotary phone until I was 16. I friggin' hated when you screwed up a number and had to start all over.

I still have rabbit ears on my TV's. No cable, no Dish. I just can't bring myself to pay for TV.

Romper Room on 45's.

Wow, I feel old now.

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Kukla Fran & Ollie

Sheriff John

IBM Cards

I have boxes of IBM cards in the basement. I have used them for flash cards for a couple generations of kids now. They are terrific.
I probably only have 3 or 4 hundred left.
When my kids were little, I used them to put a label on everything in the house. My kids were reading by age 4

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We were at the Magic Kingdom the other night...remember when you had to have tickets for each ride?

Yeah, which reminds me, remember when you used to be able to try to explain to a whuffo what skydiving was like by saying, "Its an E-ticket ride!"

Try that with the youngin's these days and they give you the "I don't know what you're talkin' about there gramps (or mama)" look.


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My mom and dad (77 and 83) had a heck of a time trying to find a replacement phone when their old one broke a few weeks back. They wanted a corded phone. They had two or three to choose from at Kmart and Walmart. Both stores had more then 10 cordless phones to choose from. But my parents WANTED a corded phone.:D Oh and Yes, they still have a land line.


A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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Kukla Fran & Ollie

Sheriff John

IBM Cards

I have boxes of IBM cards in the basement. I have used them for flash cards for a couple generations of kids now. They are terrific.
I probably only have 3 or 4 hundred left.
When my kids were little, I used them to put a label on everything in the house. My kids were reading by age 4

That's a great idea, and it works. My mom did the same thing for me in HI to learn the language. (not IBM cards)

We used the IBM cards to make Christmas wreaths. And then spray painted them gold or silver.

We used the punches as confetti.
Be yourself!

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That long green stick with a nail in the bottom to stick in the ground that you hooked up to the hose and ran around to cool off.

Canning veggies from the garden

The 'ice cream man' riding a bike/trike with a dry ice cooler on the front.

Brick streets.

Having all the windows open in school.

Incredible edibles.

The Weekly Reader.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Some of us dont like hair in the food.:P A little is ok but Big hairy bushes just seem nasty.

If I need a machete and weed eater just to find it, I probably dont want it.

Of course back in the days of my misspent youth, Stealing a Playboy where you really hoped they would show a little Bush.. kept me occupied for hours at a time.:$:):D:D

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Some of us dont like hair in the food.:P A little is ok but Big hairy bushes just seem nasty.

If I need a machete and weed eater just to find it, I probably dont want it.

Of course back in the days of my misspent youth, Stealing a Playboy where you really hoped they would show a little Bush.. kept me occupied for hours at a time.:$:):D:D

I keep it trimmed, just not down to the arrow.:$

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Leaded gasoline

pull tabs on cans

Mr Potato Head smoking a pipe

Taco Bell fire pits
Eating outside at a Taco Bell
Eating a Bell Beefer at Taco Bell
(hmmm, a taco sounds good about now)

Breakfast at Taco Bell! Yep they used to make breakfast. Good stuff too! [:/]
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Porn with Big old mega hairy Bushes.

Why do women do that Brazilian thing? It's like a little arrow. That freaks me out. I won't shave like that. Do men really find it sexy?

Personally I love the brazillian, I can't shave b/c my skin is too sensitive and I like having no hair!

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