
Had my Mac 3 days.....

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Got the Black MacBook.

I had a Pretty nice Gateway laptop that I bought almost 3 years ago at a Best Buy. I bought the service plan and I'm glad I did. In 3 years it went back for service once for faulty memory, once for a faulty DVD drive, and 3 times for a screen/display problem.

Well the service plan paid off. Their "no lemon" policy kicked in and the called me to let me know I could come and choose a replacement. They gave me the full value of what I paid 3 years ago, about $1500, so I decided to try a Mac.

No complaints yet.


You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Did you get Leopard preinstalled on your MacBook? If not, you should be entitled to a free upgrade (plus some sort of handling fee I imagine).

I'm curious what you use your computers for and how you have found the transition to the different OS so far.

Congrats, I'm sure you'll enjoy that MacBook...I have a black one as well and aside from the fact that my eyes are almost too old for a 13" screen, it's a great little piece of gear.


"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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Got the Black MacBook.

Well the service plan paid off. Their "no lemon" policy kicked in and the called me to let me know I could come and choose a replacement. They gave me the full value of what I paid 3 years ago, about $1500, so I decided to try a Mac.

Good one. You made out like a bandit. I wish I had one.

I still work on the same old Dell I have had since the release of windows 2000 pro.


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have had my powerbook G4 for about 4 years....no problems.

I've had my G4 Powerbook for 3 years and it's been turned on for almost 3 years now. I only shut it down a few times during the first year or so, and during upgrades. Like a freakin rock.

I long for a new MacbookPro...but I also long for a rig of my own. The pain.

- David
SCR #14809

"our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe"
(look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)

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... and wondering why I didn't buy one sooner!

I've been a very happy convert for a year and a half now ... and if you have questions, ask murrays :D:D:D

Honestly, I LOVE my Mac. Trying to convince them at work that it would be better for me to use. One day ...

And honestly, murrays is a good one to ask ... sorry, Murray but you've been a HUGE help to me with the questions I've had. Hope you don't mind the plug!


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Got the Black MacBook.

Well the service plan paid off. Their "no lemon" policy kicked in and the called me to let me know I could come and choose a replacement. They gave me the full value of what I paid 3 years ago, about $1500, so I decided to try a Mac.

Good one. You made out like a bandit. I wish I had one.

I still work on the same old Dell I have had since the release of windows 2000 pro.


The Gateway hasn't been bad per say, but when presented with the choice of a Sony Viao with MS Windows Vista and a Mac with the new OS, it was a no brainer. I mean MS doesn't have the most stellar track record when it comes to seamless releases of new operating systems.B|
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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It was not installed, but it did come with a copy of the new OS. The change has been easy other than a few bits of getting used to different keystrokes and the such.


I hope that you received a full copy of Leopard and not just an upgrade disk as mentioned in this TUAW post. If you got the upgrade disk, get somebody with a full version dvd to burn you a copy. If you can't find someone local, let me know ;)

Glad to hear that you have found the transition straightforward.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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The Gateway hasn't been bad per say, but when presented with the choice of a Sony Viao with MS Windows Vista and a Mac with the new OS, it was a no brainer. I mean MS doesn't have the most stellar track record when it comes to seamless releases of new operating systems.B|

I would have thought the Viao would have been more pricey, or did you get a Macbook Pro??
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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Is it easy to install a new OS on my Macbook pro? Apart from backing everything crucial up as should be expected, can i just install over the top?

It's sick-easy.

- David
SCR #14809

"our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe"
(look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)

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Is it easy to install a new OS on my Macbook pro? Apart from backing everything crucial up as should be expected, can i just install over the top?

I fired it up and took a 2hr nap. It was done when I woke up.
Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.

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Because you wanted to have some money left over for software? :P:ph34r:

True, true...

I've been into computers for 25 years now, and I just switched to a Mac as my personal system in February after spending the last 20ish years with Microsoft and Unix/Linux.

One thing OS X users should check out is www.osalt.com. It's a database of open source alternatives to commercial programs. Since OS X is linux in its underbellies, with the X11 package (off the installation CD) you can run certain linux programs...like Neo Office, OpenOffice, Gimp, etc.

I do have VMWare Fusion to run XP on to support two of my clients, but other than buying a photo editing package the next few months, I've converted to native apps. The MB Pro can dual boot to XP or Vista natively, but from testing I did with Parallels (a virtual OS competitor of VMWare), the speed reduction of running XP in a virtual session made my core 2 duo 2.16 into a core duo 2.16...not a huge problem for me.

Anyway, to the OP, welcome...the water is getting warmer...

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