Banksey 0
our heavy ball bags keep us low enough to the ground that we won't need a hospital ... works out pretty good.
then again..... i would like to see what some of those hott nurses would do if me and my balls spent the night there....hmmmm......
then again..... i would like to see what some of those hott nurses would do if me and my balls spent the night there....hmmmm......

death camp darling- NINJA style
death camp darling- NINJA style
darnknit 0
Quoteour heavy ball bags keep us low enough to the ground that we won't need a hospital
does it keep you from stepping on your dick?
that can be important as well.
pulling is cool. keep it in the skin
You 2 should take you clown act on the road. It has no place in a serious discussion on gear or safety.
we already tried that unfortunatly the parasail has what you would call a small problem negotiating through town behind the truck. you know power lines and what-not getting all wrapped up in the thing, not to mention the tight turns and buildings as well as stopping all the time at lights, gets to be a bit of a problem landing and taking off all the time. guess you can see the difficulity in a road show. now what we can do, is sell tickets on this thing at the next fair to make money to buy a "real parasail" but until then we will take our young, tough bouncy ball bags swinging benieth our paracommander out on windy days. i guess you didnt pay too much attention in my first post where i said we dont go any higher than we are prepared to fall, but you must have just skimmed past that all fired up. except this summer when we are gonna base jump off it behind the boat, that should be killer...... no pun intended..... or is it.....;
Your general attitude and demeanor displayed on this forum is a primary reason why so many people leave the sport after a few years. Abrasive personality and egotistical attitude get very old to people after a while and when you have a DZ full of them a lot of people just say enough.
According to your profile you hold no ratings of any kind whatsoever yet you come to this forum (after recently registering) and make reckless statements about training and what is safe and what is not. I'm guessing you haven't had to take a rig off a dead jumper during an investigation or even seen someone die in front of you because if you had, I don't think be making the type of egotistical /I'm bullet proof statements you currently expouse.
If you would like to have intelligent conversations with very knowledgeable people and perhaps learn something new you might try backing it down a notch or two, or you can continue to be an ass in public, your call.
ripcord4 0
Riggermick, I second your motion!
Your general attitude and demeanor displayed on this forum is a primary reason why so many people leave the sport after a few years. Abrasive personality and egotistical attitude get very old to people after a while and when you have a DZ full of them a lot of people just say enough.
oh please, give me a break, you guys are funny. i left all that stuff off my profile cause you guys dont need to know that. im just making it entertaining to read. gotta love it. pretty much everything that needed to be said in this topic was said in the first 3 or 4 posts. if any of you guys are taking this seriously i feel real sorry for you, have a nice day boys and girls.
oh please, give me a break, you guys are funny. i left all that stuff off my profile cause you guys dont need to know that. im just making it entertaining to read. gotta love it. pretty much everything that needed to be said in this topic was said in the first 3 or 4 posts. if any of you guys are taking this seriously i feel real sorry for you, have a nice day boys and girls.

slug 1
Me thinks You all have been trolled and took the bait.
We've all seen these type of folks on this websight before and we will see them again.
First time shame on them second time shame on us.
We've all seen these type of folks on this websight before and we will see them again.
First time shame on them second time shame on us.
we already tried that unfortunatly the parasail has what you would call a small problem negotiating through town behind the truck. you know power lines and what-not getting all wrapped up in the thing, not to mention the tight turns and buildings as well as stopping all the time at lights, gets to be a bit of a problem landing and taking off all the time. guess you can see the difficulity in a road show. now what we can do, is sell tickets on this thing at the next fair to make money to buy a "real parasail" but until then we will take our young, tough bouncy ball bags swinging benieth our paracommander out on windy days. i guess you didnt pay too much attention in my first post where i said we dont go any higher than we are prepared to fall, but you must have just skimmed past that all fired up. except this summer when we are gonna base jump off it behind the boat, that should be killer...... no pun intended..... or is it.....;
Do you always talk this much or just when your “tough bouncy ball bags” are dragging on the ground from being such a manly man?
Let me know what hospital you end up in and I will send you a brochure on the “Water Chute” which is made by a company I used to do some work for.