
Can ZP canopies be used to jump large flags?

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My Dad is a long time demo jumper. He jumps Falcon 215 canopies and sometimes has hard landings on them. I think that he would benifit by using a newer canopy like a Sabre 2 or something that will give him a better flare, but his main concern is that he thinks you can not use Zero P canopies when he is jumping very large flags at Demos. Is he right about this or is this just old fashioned thinking?
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If he's not comfortable with it, why not go with a modern hybrid? Something like a Navigator or a Sihloette (sp?). Both are great canopies (and fairly similar canopies). The Sihloette is "sportier" then the Navigator, though. You know, last time I saw the GK's demo team a large majority of them were jumping Nav's for their demo rigs.
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If he wants to jump large flags, he probably needs a 215 square foot ZP canopy.
Consider that the guys who jump the biggest flags jump tandem rigs and all modern tandem rigs contain ZP mains.
The difference in flight characteristics - between ZP and hybrid canopies - is insignificant.

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Aerodynamically, there is little difference between new F-111 fabric and ZP fabric. That is why reserves are still made of F-111 fabric.
It is not until they have 60 or 70 jumps that F-111 canopies start to become more porous, land harder, etc.
His poor landings may simply be the result of too many jumps on a porous old Falcon.
F-111 main canopy technology has not progressed since ZP fabric was introduced in the late 1980s. Now ZP canopies are available in a bewildering array of planforms, airfoil sections, line trims, wing loadings, etc., not all of which are safe for tight demos.
Your dad is correct in thinking that he would be foolish to jump a flag with a tiny ZP canopy. On the other hand, a large, docile ZP canopy would give him better landings with large flags.
Tell him to start looking at Sabre 2-215, Silhouette 215, Pilot 215, Hornet 215, Safire 215, etc.

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Thanks guys,
His canopies are definitely worn out from many jumps and heavy wing loadings. That is why I have been trying to get him to switch to ZP because I believe they would be more consistent over a longer period of time than new f-111 canopies would. My dad has been jumping for over 35 years and still does a lot of demo jumps. I think he is worried about changing things this late in the game, but hopefully the pictures and posts will help me (and other concerned friends) to convince him he would be better off using newer similar sized, more modern parachutes.
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The one that is at Colorado Skysports is over 2,100 sqft.

What type of material is it made of and what canopy do people use to jump it. It sounds like a good candidate for a tandem rig.

Usually bigger is better, it gives you more options.
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There's not much difference between new F111 and ZP fabric. What he is referring to is that large flags often require large canopies; their drag is such that smaller canopies will not fly properly with the added drag. We used a tandem system to jump a 1000 sq ft flag a while back, and the larger canopies worked better than the newer ZP canopies for that purpose. But that's because the older canopies were larger, not because they were F111.

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The Colorado Skysports flag that Base935 is referring to is made of F111 type fabric, 2150 sq. ft. and weighs about 80 lbs (including weight and bag). We try to keep the total system wingloading in the 1.2 to 1.3 range. We used a tandem rig at first but found we had very little penetration and the tail of the flag didn't fly straight out that well.

The girl in the linked picture from BASE935's post is using a Spectre 190.

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How big is "Very large flags"?

This flag is 600 sq. ft. and the canopy is F-111. But it is 245 sq. ft.


No Sparky...he said "VERY LARGE FLAG!":P

I am sorry, how about this? 2200 sq. ft. is the largest I have.:)
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How big is "Very large flags"?

This flag is 600 sq. ft. and the canopy is F-111. But it is 245 sq. ft.


No Sparky...he said "VERY LARGE FLAG!":P

I am sorry, how about this? 2200 sq. ft. is the largest I have.:)



But you already KNEW that...he he!:P:ph34r::D

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How big is "Very large flags"?

This flag is 600 sq. ft. and the canopy is F-111. But it is 245 sq. ft.


No Sparky...he said "VERY LARGE FLAG!":P

I am sorry, how about this? 2200 sq. ft. is the largest I have.:)



But you already KNEW that...he he!:P:ph34r::D

You always were such a show off. :)
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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