What do you do when someone "pencil packs" their reserve with your name and seal?
Genego, in Gear and Rigging
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hajnalka 0
I also agree with Gus - great post.
First time I learned someone pencil-packed my name on a data card, it was several years ago and the jumper was out of town at an NSL 4-way meet where they were under huge pressure to jump, and I can understand that.
Thing was, their Cypres was in date when I repacked the rig ... when they penciled it, the Cypres was overdue for batteries . Rendering the data card illegal due to the forged entry, and making me look illegal/negligent if something had happened, with the overdue AAD.
To this person's credit they called me after the meet, admitting the pencil pack, and brought me their rig. We had a long talk to the benefit and education of everyone involved, and the education spread. I care greatly about safety and that's why I'm a rigger. I believe my customers know that.
I've sent a few newsletters to our mailing list dealing with all of the implications of pencil-packing, and why we flat refuse, and why we've turned away those few customers who've pencil packed (forged) our info --- and these have never been regulars, they're mostly people passing thru from boogie to boogie, who could care less who last repacked their rig anyway.
This is a nasty issue for me, due to a recent occurrence:
I had an apprentice who did awesome, careful repacks, was smart and conscientious, knew a lot about gear, and who I thought would make a great rigger. I spent a lot of time with him.
Then one Friday his girlfriend showed up with a local jumper's rig. She said, "Hey, (apprentice) was going to come out and pack (local jumper's) reserve with you this week, but he didn't have time. She's going to jump this weekend at (X) event, so could you guys get it packed up today, or else pencil pack it for the weekend?"
So here I had an apprentice not only soliciting repacks for himself from his friends (my customers,) but trying to direct me to pencil pack.
If you want to become a rigger, I will no longer supervise your reserve pack job unless you pay my monthly mortgage in advance, service all my sewing machines, walk my dogs twice a day, and make new quick loops for and re-tack the caps on all Racer pilot chutes in the 5-state area. And depending on my mood I might also want $1000 up front.
Sorry for the rant. This was one of the most rotten experiences I've had in all my years as a rigger.
I've sent a few newsletters to our mailing list dealing with all of the implications of pencil-packing, and why we flat refuse, and why we've turned away those few customers who've pencil packed (forged) our info
Do you have copies of any of those newsletters in your e-mail archives that you could forward to me? I'd be interested to read & maybe print out
ouzts63 0
Removing the seal works great...But make sure you inform the DZO as well as the pilot so they can keep an eye out. Some DZ's get so busy and may not catch it. How many times have you been asked for a pin check and found the seal broken and or missing. I'm Just pointing out it isn't too hard to sneak a rig onboard. As a rigger and Pilot, I really don't want to be put under watch
hajnalka 0
One newsletter pertaining to pencil-packing is attached.
All of our newsletters are archived here:
Warning: We're definitely NOT politically correct, and opinions are just that .... John's and my opinions.
One showed it was packed by a rigger who had passed away.
One had my name and seal number but the wrong seal. This was a rig that I had never seen. When I opened it up the left line group had the rear lines hooked to the front rissers and front line group hooked to the rear rissers. (might of worked)
One a rigger had signed off that he had packed the rig after me but my seal was still on the rig.
With PD putting the blocks on the tail of the parachute that you are to put a / through each time you pack. I have found quite a few with no / through. Anyone can miss it once but I have unpacked a reserve that was missing 5 / marks. Did the rig get pencil packed 5 times? If so did that person do it or did the rigger do it and get paid for it?
QuoteI have found quite a few rigs that have been pencil packed.
One showed it was packed by a rigger who had passed away.
One had my name and seal number but the wrong seal. This was a rig that I had never seen. When I opened it up the left line group had the rear lines hooked to the front rissers and front line group hooked to the rear rissers. (might of worked)
One a rigger had signed off that he had packed the rig after me but my seal was still on the rig.
With PD putting the blocks on the tail of the parachute that you are to put a / through each time you pack. I have found quite a few with no / through. Anyone can miss it once but I have unpacked a reserve that was missing 5 / marks. Did the rig get pencil packed 5 times? If so did that person do it or did the rigger do it and get paid for it?
I've seen several PD reserves that had blank 'boxes' on the label. I just make sure I do my best with my inspection and re-pack and put a slash mark in the respective box.
The FAA said if it is not in the Riggers log, it didn't happen. That they side with the FAA certified rigger, not the skydiver.
I no longer find it a big deal.
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