
Do darker colored canopies take more UV wear?

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For a qualifier; in the year 2001, 1109 canopy related PO's were generated by that SB here in my shop.
That included test jumps,pre-SB testing and mods,initial SB compilance,and other work.
And no, I personally did not do all of the work, but my shop did.

Enough about my qualifications.


About the color in a canopy, I'll ask again.

"And this can be measured in a sample as small as a 150 sq. ft. ?"

And again, I say yes.

If you are placing a canopy into a smaller, less compliant container where there is little room to spare with let's say a white canopy.

That statement comes from a few thousand reserve pack jobs.

Gotta go to the PST in CO this AM.

Blue ones,
Skyworks Parachute Service, LLC

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For a qualifier; in the year 2001, 1109 canopy related PO's were generated by that SB here in my shop.

For a qualifier: Icarus web site only lists 440 canopies, by ser#, that were effected by that SB.



I have repaired about as many canopies as half the number of days you've been jumping.

"And no, I personally did not do all of the work, but my shop did. "

I just assumed that when you said "I" you meant "I". 5,500 canopy "repairs" is still a lot of repairs.


Enough about my qualifications.

I wasn’t discussing your qualifications, you were. I was asking if you can measure fabric dye in a sample as small as a canopy. You say yes. How?

You are probably right that the dye will add some weight and volume to the material, but I am sure the amount found in a canopy sized sample would be undetectable outside of a lab.

Enjoy your trip to PST
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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