
You get a billion dollars...

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Why not??? Ten years is plenty of time to have fun with a billion dollars... And you can always leave the rest of it to a special person or to charity when you die.

Edited to say: Oh, maybe I misunderstood the question... Did you mean that having only ten years to live was a condition of taking the money? Either way, my answer would still be yes... because the way I live my life, it is doubtful that I have much more than ten years to live anyway.

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Edited to say: Oh, maybe I misunderstood the question... Did you mean that having only ten years to live was a condition of taking the money? Either way, my answer would still be yes... because the way I live my life, it is doubtful that I have much more than ten years to live anyway.

yes, sorry I didn't clarify that. I edited. :)

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Absolutely NO.

Let's put it this way:
If you were given only ten years to live but you had a billion dollars (only a billions dollars) and it would save your life, would you write the check?

I'm willing to bet that LONG 10 years of bilionairehood will seem a LOT shorter say in year 9.

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Yes. I might die tomorrow, a year from now, 10, 20 or God knows how long. At least with this deal I know I have 10 years left period. I would live life to the fullest, help out my fam, friends, set up charities, scholarship funds and try to leave this world a better place.

One question though. Is the $1 Billion tax free? If not HELL NO.

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but you only get 10 years left to live..... do you take the money?

To clarify: Yes, living for only 10 more years is the condition for taking the money, and you cannot use the money to prolong your life. 10 years... that's it.

i'd have never thought to ask such a silly question. I can't believe that some people would shorten their lives just to be rich! My answer is not just no, but HELL NO!


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Hm ... I could open a new bad ass DZ so my all buddies can jump for free and as much as they want. And we would have gorgeous flight attendants serving soft drinks on the way up;) My team does 2000 training jumps a year, every evening we train in SkyVenture wind tunnel located on my back yard. And no more packing in Texas summer heat!

The answer is no;)

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I really had to think about it, and made the decision based on my age. If I was younger my answer would have been a definite no. But since I am already 50 and have lived a full life I will say yes because by not having to work 40 hours a week and having the money to do things I'd like to do I could get a lot of quality living done in those 10 years and by the end of the 10 years I'd be 60 and would be old anyway. So yeah, I'll go for the quality time.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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I do not think I could enjoy those ten years all that much knowing that every day I woke up I was one closer to dying. yes, technically I am one day closer to dying everyday but I don't know when I'm going to die. So there is still the sense of mystery. Yes, It would possibly motivate me to accomplish some things. BUT- I would know exactly when I would die and I don't want to have that kind of knowledge.

So. No.

Plus, I'd only be 29. That's too young. If I were to be say... 80 then hell yeah I'd do it.

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