
You get a billion dollars...

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but you only get 10 years left to live..... do you take the money?

To clarify: Yes, living for only 10 more years is the condition for taking the money, and you cannot use the money to prolong your life. 10 years... that's it.

If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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WOW! I added my "NO" and it came back 50/50!!

I wasn't sure what I expected to be the more popular vote, but I thought it would be heavily one way or the other.

As I've hit my 30s, I have realized that life really IS short -- I truly did not understand why people said that for a long time -- and ten years is nothing!. I'd rather just putter along doing how I'm doing for another fifty or so years than try to cram in what I can (now afford) with a billion dollars. And who says it won't create more trouble than it's worth? And who says it will really buy you the path to happiness? Sure, you could travel, and see the world, and afford any rig and any skydive anywhere at any time, and eat wonderful food all the time, and drive the best cars... but wouldn't your dwindling time be constantly nagging at you? And the more you liked this lifestyle, the more present in your mind would be its imminent end, to the point where you might not enjoy your days because you're focused more on the fact that they're soon to end...

And what if you fell in love? And had to cut short your lives together?

(And besides, could you fall in love, knowing that you would have such short lives together?)

Blue skies,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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but you only get 10 years left to live..... do you take the money?

To clarify: Yes, living for only 10 more years is the condition for taking the money, and you cannot use the money to prolong your life. 10 years... that's it.

i'd have never thought to ask such a silly question. I can't believe that some people would shorten their lives just to be rich! My answer is not just no, but HELL NO!


OMG Angela and I agree on something! :P

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Shouldn't we be living like we have less than 10 years to live anyway ?:)

Yeah, I think it's live like there is no tomorrow, but that's hard to do when you have a job, a mortgage, etc. It would be easier to live that way with a billion dollars.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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I have not read any replys .....

My first thought was, can I defer taking the money for 10 years first and then start the ticker..... If so - YES ...

If my assumption is right an the answer is no I would have to think about it but would lean towards - Yes.

I could have a dream life including making a LOT of people happy and healthy.

Leaving a Legacy behind would be real cool too :P

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Hell yeah I'd take the money. I've lived a good live. I've packed so much into a short amount of time, I can pack more into ten years.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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i'd have never thought to ask such a silly question. I can't believe that some people would shorten their lives just to be rich! My answer is not just no, but HELL NO!

It has nothing to do with being rich, but everything to do with being able to fulfill all of the dreams in my life.
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but you only get 10 years left to live..... do you take the money?

To clarify: Yes, living for only 10 more years is the condition for taking the money, and you cannot use the money to prolong your life. 10 years... that's it.

ask me that question again when Im 90 and I will take the money! as for now. HELL NO, my life kicks ass!!!
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This one was easy....NO WAY.

I want to see my 10 year old grow up, to see the path that she chooses, to meet her children if she chooses to have them.

I want to spend forever with Skymedic. Ten years is not long enough.

I want to have children with Skymedic....and watch them grow up to be their own wonderful beings.

One Billion dollars, or any amount of money cannot but any of this, only time can.


I'm a Doll!!!!

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HELL NO! i try to live my life to the fullest. i don't think i could do it if i constantly had my expiration date hanging over my head. no amount of money could replace the joy i get out of living! ;)

i have gone for quite some time now with little money and i have still found much happiness. besides, 10 years and a billion dollars is nothing compared to seeing your first born child smile at you, or sharing a lifetime of memories with the love of your life. give me time over money any day!

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!

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No! money has never been a driving force in my life.


If I had only 10 years to live and someone gave ne a shite load money that would be good:)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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No way, life is so much more valuable. It's been my experience, the more "things" you have the more you want. Having money and things is never fully satisfying. Having a great life is.:)
Here's a thought: How many of you would take the billion dollars and the 10 year deal and give all the money away to the homeless or some other charity?


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Here's a little story...

It's 1987. I'm a living God and know more about skydiving than anyone in the world. I'm very talented and have 159 jumps.

Due to some error on the part of Planet Earth, a low turn results in me breaking my femur in 9 places. I'm rushed to hospital.

AIDS is quite new. There are no antiretrovirals. I need blood. Lots of it. And surgery. Since I'm concious, I'm asked to sign a consent to surgery form. I ask "Is the blood tested for HIV?" Answer? "Don't know. If you don't get it, you're out of here in 30 min. Yes or no."

Tick, tock, tick, tock... I think...

I'm 25. AIDS takes like 10 years to kill you, right? I'll be like 35. Middle aged. An old fart. Yeah. Bring the blood. Ten years is better than nothing.

I get the blood, surgery, a year on crutches. After 9 months I find I'm HIV neg. (Window period was a lot longer back then.) I'm a winner. So. Ten years would have put me dead in 1997.. and since then, I've had

2555 sunrises and sunsets
91 full moons
2063 skydives
fallen in love
and countless other joys like thunderstorms, rainbows, wind through the trees etc.



Thanks, but no. I want more time.

It's the year of the Pig.

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If this question was asked of me before having my son, the answer might be different.

But now I can so absolutely not. Ten more years would bring my son to the age of 13, not only is that the most selfish thing I think I could do to him, but there are so many things I want to be there for...his first girlfriend, then his first broken heart (not that I want this to happen but I want to be there for him), graduations, his wedding, all of his successes in life, and especially watching him become a Dad.

All the money in the world would not be worth it if I had to miss these things. This is what life is all about!


"May the best of your past be the worst of your future"

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