
skydiving, girlfriends and priorities

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i've been in a so and so relationship on and off for four years. a lot of the times unhappy. i finally found something that brings me joy. according to my mates, i'm finally setting my priorities right. still i'm in trouble for it. before that, it was not heard off from my SO for months..

its the end of the saison. i finally got my license and get to jump with my mates.

i pretty much skipped on my abuse, cut alcohol down to half or less, mostly at the dropzone, dont ALWAYS only rant to friends.. even managed to find a decent job!

i fell in love with all our skychicks, found great friends, became part of another family, found a second home..

i think i have set my priorities right! should i feel bad!?
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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WOW! That sounds incredibly familiar.

That's almost exactly verbatim the last four or five years of my life.

IMO, sounds like you're in a good place right now.

I think there's a simple answer to your question and that is only one you can answer.
If you're happy where you're at then no you shouldn't feel bad - you should be on top the world!

I do have to wonder why you have to ask though...

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Dude, Trust me, I've had this argument with myself many a time. Altitude induced divorce syndrome, I've managed to loose a girl or two because they've asked me to stop jumping.

Anywho - This is my .02. You are in the market to find a gal who loves you, right? Why would someone, who loves you, tell you not to jump, if it makes you so happy? Granted, you need to pay attention to her,but you'll find your happy medium in there somewhere.

Don't feel bad man, just keep on keepin on. :)

=========Shaun ==========

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Why would someone, who loves you, tell you not to jump, if it makes you so happy?

1/ because of the risk of ending up hurt
2/ because of the risk of ending up crippled
3/ because of the risk of ending up dead

Same applies when you love someone shooting heroine.:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Why would someone, who loves you, tell you not to jump, if it makes you so happy?

1/ because of the risk of ending up hurt
2/ because of the risk of ending up crippled
3/ because of the risk of ending up dead

Same applies when you love someone shooting heroine.:|

Yes... because if you shoot the heroine, she might

1. end up hurt
2. end up crippled
3. end up dead.

So don't shoot the heroine. :|

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Whatever you choose to do, just remember to ask your SO. Listen to their concerns, voice your reasons. Don't assume their answer.
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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should i feel bad!?

depends on what you want to hear.

Now send me a beer :)


fucking hell, nic, when the hell will i happen to pay you one in RL!? come up to beromünster some time, do a jump or two with me!? come over next year for hellaherb, damn'it! :D
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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Drop the wagon and enjoy the ride.


as i've stated, i think i'm setting my priorities right, now. that day yesterday was pretty much one of the best i've had in my life yet. well, funnily, i'm saying that almost every weekend. and i feel, as i havent really touched the tip of the iceberg yet.


Dude, Trust me, I've had this argument with myself many a time. Altitude induced divorce syndrome, I've managed to loose a girl or two because they've asked me to stop jumping.

Anywho - This is my .02. You are in the market to find a gal who loves you, right? Why would someone, who loves you, tell you not to jump, if it makes you so happy? Granted, you need to pay attention to her,but you'll find your happy medium in there somewhere.

Don't feel bad man, just keep on keepin on. :)

thats exactly what i'm planning to do. i've paid way too much attention in the past, and i dont feel like it anymore!




Why would someone, who loves you, tell you not to jump, if it makes you so happy?

1/ because of the risk of ending up hurt
2/ because of the risk of ending up crippled
3/ because of the risk of ending up dead

Same applies when you love someone shooting heroine.:|

Yes... because if you shoot the heroine, she might

1. end up hurt
2. end up crippled
3. end up dead.

So don't shoot the heroine. :|

i probably would of ended up shooting heroine if i didnt find skydiving. so, might end up hurt, crippled or dead, one way or the other. personally, i believe skydiving is as safe as you make it. of course, someone can kill you with no fault on your own side at all. but the chances of being killed by an unattentive truckdriver are about the same.. so, i'd rather do something potentially unsafe, but at least, i do something i love, something that seems to put my life back on track.


Whatever you choose to do, just remember to ask your SO. Listen to their concerns, voice your reasons. Don't assume their answer.

my SO never asked me about my concerns, nor listened to my reasons. i do assume a lot tough.. :P
is it, that you dont value what you got, until you've lost it? if so, well..this is not my fault! i was there for long, still i was rejected to many a times. and ended up doing really stupid shit. much more stupider than i'd ever do skydiving!


or just find a skydiving girl who gets it.

that's what i'm trying to do! well, not find a girl...find a guy.

well, since the guy/girl ratio is that BAD, i'm sure you have a hard time to choose from.. :D:D:D

i've asked for a phone-nr., and i've got it! that girl is really lovely, cares, and loves to jump as well!

it totally feels like i'm doing the rightest thing i possibly could do. i havent felt better in years. i'll just keep on doing what i am.. and whoever ends up with me, will pretty much be happy i did so. no-one wants a frustrated, grumpy old man. if life gives you lemonades, make lemonades.. live life to tis fullest they say.. yea, finally i'm trying. and its great!!!
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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Yes... because if you shoot the heroine, she might

1. end up hurt
2. end up crippled
3. end up dead.

So don't shoot the heroine. :|

They didn't get it.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
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Yes... because if you shoot the heroine, she might

1. end up hurt
2. end up crippled
3. end up dead.

So don't shoot the heroine. :|

They didn't get it.

its me shooting the heroine, not her, is it!?
i admit, i dont get it..

i only knwo, i do love the heroine! and i can be humilated much worse..
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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Yes... because if you shoot the heroine, she might

1. end up hurt
2. end up crippled
3. end up dead.

So don't shoot the heroine. :|

They didn't get it.

its me shooting the heroine, not her, is it!?
i admit, i dont get it..
i only knwo, i do love the heroine! and i can be humilated much worse..



i've been in a so and so relationship on and off for four years. a lot of the times unhappy.

There's your answer right there
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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Yes... because if you shoot the heroine, she might

1. end up hurt
2. end up crippled
3. end up dead.

So don't shoot the heroine. :|

They didn't get it.

its me shooting the heroine, not her, is it!?
i admit, i dont get it..

i only knwo, i do love the heroine! and i can be humilated much worse..


"shooting heroin" = using a needle to inject drugs

"shooting heroine" = using a gun to inflict lead poisoning on the female protagonist.

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i've been in a so and so relationship on and off for four years. a lot of the times unhappy.

There's your answer right there

Yep. #1 cause of AIDS or SIDS. Things are bad or boring at home. They start skydiving and start spending alot of time away because the SO doesn't jump, doesn't want to come to the dz. We're so exciting, open, honest, inviting, and flirty that they just drift further apart. Plus every DZ has the "predators" (men and women) that seem to try to prey on any "fresh meat." They start opening up to us about their problems instead of discussing them with their SO.

It's gotten to the point that when a new married woman starts jumping I can usually tell rather or not she's gonna get divorced. [:/]
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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its even more addicting than i would of thought off.. well, i'm a predator amongst predators then. tough, i'd also go for the old meat.. :D:D:D

uh well, i still love it!

and fuck the heroine.. i like fucking better than shooting it! B|

“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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i think i have set my priorities right! should i feel bad!?

“Shoulds” are so normative.

Does the kind of scenario you described happen? Yeah.

When I started jumping I was in a fairly serious relationship. When my boyfriend, with whom I was happy, realized skydiving wasn’t going to be a one-weekend activity, he didn’t like it. I had to decide what my priorities were and own my choices. It wasn’t his fault. He made a great husband for someone else.


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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