
Role Playing Games

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So for those of us who are afraid to admit it to the DZ.com world who ere has played a role playing game, and no I am not talking about dressing like a Sailor while your SO dresses like a whore. I am talking about stuff likr D&D and whatnot. Since I allready outted myself. you will all know that I have in fact participated in these games, so who else even if you don't want to tell me just click your vote.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
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Oh wait...... give more examples.....

Robotech, Gurps (I was a 12 inch tall pyromaniac pixie once), Shadowrun...

There was a Marvel Comics RPG where you could be a superhero...

do you need more examples or am I enough of a nerd for you now... :P
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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I haven't played for a while, simply because the last group I was playing with was lame. I would drive an hour to play, and people who only had to walk across campus couldn't be bothered, so I was like fuck this game.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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I mis-voted! I do not even know what those are. I read it as shooter games.... like Doom.....

oh... he's talking old school here... the kind where you have to use you're imagination...

I don't play anymore... haven't for years...
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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That is what makes you sane! Muwahahaha!

don't you mean insane? I'm sure that's what you meant... :):D

No... if you were insane.... you'd love to try and convince people that you are sane.... get it? B|

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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Played Morrowind for about 20 levels...
NWN for about 3 hours...
D&D for maybe, 5 nights, 2 hours a night...

As far as "make your numbers go up" games (not to be confused with an actual RPG where you play a role and make choices)...

Played World of Warcraft, took 1 main char to 46, didn't play for 2 months, took another main to 54, haven't played since.

Fact is, I can't stand playing games by myself even if they are online. Specifically if I can't talk to them in person. The last game I played seriously was Battlefield 2, but I was in a great clan and we used Teamspeak, so it was more like hanging out.

Since we moved I've been subjected to dial-up, I haven't really played a computer game. I just browse 2 online forums most of the time. In actuality, being on dial-up has killed my desire to play video games. Withdrawal turned to rejection. So I guess I'll take up skydiving. ;)
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Wait, I think i'm confused... what exatly is a role playing game?

I thought role playing games was when your mom would be like..."ok, so pretend I'm your father, and he says this, what do you say back" ....ect.

But that doesn't sound like y'alls... so what are they?

PMS #449 TPM #80 Muff Brother #3860
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Wait, I think i'm confused... what exatly is a role playing game?

I thought role playing games was when your mom would be like..."ok, so pretend I'm your father, and he says this, what do you say back" ....ect.

But that doesn't sound like y'alls... so what are they?

No - it's when you knock on the door an pretend you are a mail order hooker - I invite you in and ask how much. . . :ph34r:
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Not anymore (and I don't miss it, actually)

When I was teen, I played Call of Cthulhu (a lot), Stormbringer, Cyberpunk, MERPG and, for only a couple of sessions and it's too bad because it was AWESOME, Vampire.

I honestly don't think that I could play those games now as seriously as before.

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Wait, I think i'm confused... what exatly is a role playing game?

Any game in which you play a particular role that isn't yourself qualifies, although (being slightly more particular) any game in which the result of your actions depends a little on chance while playing that role. Generally, this is achieved through dice rolls or random number generators, but people can decide, too; playing "pretend" was really just a role-playing game.

Computer RPGs include things like Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior (two of the most popular RPG series), where you control different characters and the results of their actions are dependent upon weapons, armor, and a couple of random numbers. More traditional or pencil-and-paper RPGs generally have published rule books and involve people sitting around a table, telling a story through their actions and rolling dice to see how well they did. Some examples of these are Dungeons & Dragons, published by Wizards of the Coast, or any of the White Wolf games (Mage, Werewolf, Vampire).

Then, there are Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games, or MMORPG's. These include Everquest or World of Warcraft, in which most characters in the game are controlled by real life people from anywhere around the world. These games too have their own rules, and generally play in the same manner as their pencil-and-paper cousins.

RPG's span the spectrum, though, from serious and dark (Shadowrun) to funny and dark (Paranoia) or anything else you can imagine. Very loosely, they're games you get to make up, so what could be bad about something you're got control over?

(yes, I make games for a living. Hopefully I didn't scare you off ;))
Well, the door was open...

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