
I hate Skyride too

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And I haven't even mentioned stealing a dead DZO's phone number and taking the money people were calling in to donate to his widow and child.

I don't quite understand how someone can do that - know they did that - and still not eat their own gun for doing it.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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although when i seen things posted that are not true i felt like posting something im just sitting here at work when i went over some of the things that were being posted.

Please point out what is not true about the deceptive business practices that has been posted above.


i have just worked for other companies that are 3rd party booking agents and i know how they work and how they generate there phone calls its very similar

Oh other people do it, it must be okay then. :S


and i have no reason to lie a pay check is not worth it

Apparently, in Skyrides case, it is.
Never try to eat more than you can lift

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well for one thing when we book with a dz we get a discounted rate typically its 20% so when we sell it it is we sell it for at and around the same rate the DZ sells it directly to there customers for (depending on the discount with the particular DZ) it may be more.

Yes i have worked for other booking companies and no they are legit just as we are, its just when it comes to motels and cruises its not such a tight nit and sensitive community like skydiving.

I would never lie for a check unless its a whole lot which in my case its not. but thats just being truthful.

If you have ever had any negative FIRST HAND experience with Skyride let me know and i don't care if its something you have heard, i have heard a lot of bullsh*t that doesnt mean its true.
Ryan Berger
Business Development & Vendor Relations for 1-800Skyride

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Why don't you tell us how Tullahomas (sp) phone number got transfered to Skyrides call center???

How is not nearly as important as WHY!:|
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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The why is easy. Greed. The how is easy also, some crooked ass called the phone company and pretended to be a dead man and told them to forward the calls to Skyride. Well unless you believe that Chris Martins ghost decided his family didn't need the money that was generated by that phone number.

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...and taking the money people were calling in to donate to his widow and child.

And if this was the case (which somehow I had missed at some point earlier), I have to retract the statement sometime back when the number was actually stolen, where I commented that they "...couldn't get any lower than stealing a dead father and husband's business line for their own personal use..."

But, of course, it couldn't have been them - as was the excuse when confronted with the forged posts listing me as author on rec.skydiving as well as forged e-mails purporting to be from me to the St. Clair County Airport Authority (Pell City) and others, "it must have been those guys over at Thomaston and up at Cullman just trying to stir up trouble!!!"
Roll Tide Roll

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OK Mr. Skyride is great - talk to me about this -

Here is my experience from 2 weeks ago. I'm in Columbia SC and stumbled across the Skyride website "Above Columbia." I'm an experienced jumper and instructor with 30 years in the sport.

I called the number and said I wanted to make a tandem. There were so many lies and mistruths in what was stated to me by the reservation agent. My original post does not give all the details of the conversation. But the most interesting was when I questioned the Skyride price versus what was on the website for the DZ.

The reply was, "I guarantee" that our price is less. The price on their website does not include all the charges, such as packing fee and fuel surcharge. If it had not been for these significant lies then it would not have been so bad.

Needless to say I m glad that my DZ is not a member. Last weekend we had 212 visitors that enjoyed tandem jumps, some were repeat business, so apparently we don't need Skyride.

Here is my original post.


Do reservation agents get paid a commission on sales?
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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no i know exactly whats going on here they do not sugar coat it, although before i say anything in regards to that i will wait for the out come.........;) then see what you have to say






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your here posting because deep down inside you feel the need to defend them.

that is the 1st step on your way out the door..

been there , done that, seen it before..

I know why do they end up at the farm critisizing ASC and bitching and whinning about their practices yet when they need money they go running back....What was that fake titty chick called that wanted to be a rigger say all the time. Now she;s back there. Man, we even had a no skyride TI wear the asc slogan and gripe about them but when you need money, you have to go back running. Kind of like a 20 dollar whore on the streets. Hates their life but defends their actions due to the need for money

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Looks like Elvis has left the building.No wait, I'm sure he is researching our complaints and he is going to make it all better and right. Got news for you buddy, the only thing that will make it right is some jail time for all of those involved. Hey did I tell you about the time that Ben and Cary turned in one of their employees to the city of Roswell for posting bumper stickers all over town. Yes, they were paying him to do it but that's the kind of people that you work for. So get ready when the shit hits the fan and don't stand too close to the bus.

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It's not beating a dead horse when the company in question is still in operation and exposure of their unethical and illegal business practices leads to further pressure on them to cease and desist. "Beating a dead horse" will be when these types of posts continue after they've been shut down.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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It's not beating a dead horse when the company in question is still in operation and exposure of their unethical and illegal business practices leads to further pressure on them to cease and desist. "Beating a dead horse" will be when these types of posts continue after they've been shut down.

That's exactly right. Keep up the pressure.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Read the Injunctive Relief link that Chutingstar posted. Notice the signature at the bottom. Thurbert Baker.... The Attorney General for the State of Georgia signed it. This guy ain't gonna whine about their practices. I believe he is gonna take action with his committee.
People are crazy. Cuz there's more of 'em.

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Read the Injunctive Relief link that Chutingstar posted. Notice the signature at the bottom. Thurbert Baker.... The Attorney General for the State of Georgia signed it. This guy ain't gonna whine about their practices. I believe he is gonna take action with his committee.

Yep, it's been posted on here before, in the other thread in General Skydiving Discussions.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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It's not beating a dead horse when the company in question is still in operation and exposure of their unethical and illegal business practices leads to further pressure on them to cease and desist. "Beating a dead horse" will be when these types of posts continue after they've been shut down.

I believe that will be the mother of all celebrations.:)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Yes i know our websites are hated to say the least but its not a new concept to advertise in surrounding areas that you service i can list plenty of other companies who do the same even if the location they can go to is another state away the only thing that would make it unethical is if a customer calls in and that company still claim to have something for them when they do not that is not right, which we do not do we give an accurate millage to our closets affiliated DZ
If a drop zone OWNER or DZO has an issue with one of our websites they can call me and i can see what i can do

PM Sent....

Home of the Alabama Gang

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The only "beating of a dead horse" happening is the most current batch of pawns coming on and defending the practices of that company and its owner(s).

There should be a shirt given to each newly-exed Skyride employee - "God Save (his name here)," the 'apparently overzealous employee who scoffed at the beautification laws to promote the company, unbeknownst to anyone that whole time'...or, again, was it done in that Machiavellian style of the Thomaston group, using him to make Skyride look bad, as was told to town officials for explanation?

If they did it to someone who blindly and loyally followed them as long as he did, they will do it to you.
Roll Tide Roll

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Hers an idea. Each week-end, get a bunch of people outside the airport with pickets explaining why their pieces of shit:D After a few week-ends that will put a damage in their pockets. Hell, have someone on hand explaining how they can get their credit card refund back. Maybe pay a bunch of kids to stand out there.


do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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No i am not saying any of that when i mean outcome i mean from what i posted originally.
I do not care where my loyalties "lie" i know there is nothing i can do to change your opinions although when i seen things posted that are not true i felt like posting something im just sitting here at work when i went over some of the things that were being posted. Also
i have just worked for other companies that are 3rd party booking agents and i know how they work and how they generate there phone calls its very similar. and i have no reason to lie a pay check is not worth it.

I am curious what you saw posted that is not true??

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