
Dogs on the drop zone?

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That was years ago. And if you just count miscellaneous we have dozens (Maggie the best doge ever I-Chung). The cat is actually Dave's young cat that I adopted. She has the dogs very scared of her :-)

Fixed it for you

the new pup will probably make it out this weekend

Not only will you look better, feel better, and fuck better; you'll have significantly increased your life expectancy. --Douva

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Billy, You'll love AJ...he's a special doggy, he's not your ordinary irritating mutt! Next time you come out I'll introduce you! Besides, he growls at 90% of all ASC peeps who show up!B|

:D You trained him to growl at their jackets and shirts logos? :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Cool then... B|
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Goddammit Andy, AJ loves you...guess I'll have to teach him to attack your old balls.:D You know you love my fuckin' dog...just admit it...

Goddamit Eric. Not every dog is as cool as AJ. You couldn't train him to bite anybody. Old balls or not.

A DZ with only AJs would be just great.

ok..I took my slap on the head like a man...how's that?
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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the smell of money?

Good point, but nah... I think it's their general aura of perceived superiority as if they think they're better than everyone else... dogs pick up on that easily. :P
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Now, if we could just get the dog owners to "pick up".

Yep. Nothing worse than not watching where you're walking and "Aw goddamn it, where's the damn water hose?" :D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Now, if we could just get the dog owners to "pick up".

Yep. Nothing worse than not watching where you're walking and "Aw goddamn it, where's the damn water hose?" :D

My dog always trots out to the edge of the woods to poop...I never even had to train him to do that!

The Braver the Bird...The Fatter the Cat.

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Until dogs learn to bury their shit - they are not welcome on my DZ.


What if they have been properly trained to shit in the long grass like a civilized dog?

Until dogs learn to bury their shit - they are not welcome on my DZ.

It's the year of the Pig.

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If I had my druthers, I'd say No Dogs...

Andy, Andy (slowly shaking head)...I covered Rigger's eyes!! B|
He is always SO happy to see you!![:/]

I guess you know you will now be known as the guy that doesn't like dogs!! But we know better!!:D

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If everybody took the care they say they do in picking up and controlling their dogs we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Nobody will admit that their dog isn't perfect. I like dogs. I don't like dog shit or dog hair or a dog who begs for my food every time I eat something.
I have NEVER seen a dog owner at the dz picking up dog shit. I have seen dogs pee in the hangar and I've seen the owner not clean it up! >:(
I hate coming home after being at a dz and having my gear covered in smelly dog hair. Keep the dogs out of the hangar!

Be patient with the faults of others; they have to be patient with yours.

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SDC is great and nobody just goes up to your dog and tries to pet or touch without asking.

Great example of how to act.

Tyson likes all the girls at the Tiki Hut...he is a suckup.

and he does not sniff crotches, his nose is better than that....kinda like a seeing eye dog if ya know what I meanB|:D:D

We just have to keep reminding him that the jumpers about to land are not american paratroopers.:D:D:D

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Andy, Andy (slowly shaking head)...I covered Rigger's eyes!! B|
He is always SO happy to see you!![:/]

I guess you know you will now be known as the guy that doesn't like dogs!! But we know better!!:D

Dammit, every time I say something negative about DZ dogs, you guys who have the ones I like always bust me.

Rigger knows I wasn't talking about him.
Maybe it would just be easier to out the ones I don't like:
Big Red
Untrained puppies

How's that?
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I have to agree with you. Yes there are a couple dogs at the DZ that are well behaved but they are the exception and not the rule.

Just once I would like to be able to sit down and eat a meal without 10 dogs running up and sitting at my feet begging. :S

please tell me that isn't true...

My dogs are taught to leave the room when we are eating and not to even look at the table.

Heck most of the time tyson looks away, stare and you get no scraps.

Besides nobody but the owner should feed the dog ever.

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