
Autumn Colors

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took a couple of days off and visited
the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York

Pine trees, fresh air, cool temps, ( it was 73 degrees there on a day when NY city was 93 )...

We saw plenty of deer, canoes, local art , Knotty Pine architecture, turkeys, hawks, and other wildlife, and had a leisurely couple of days...We flew in a cessna 206 on floats, at a place called Paynes Air Service.....
he had 6 or 7 float planes including a Cub, a couple of 180s, the 206, a C 185, and a couple which i couldn't ID.... hahahah likely waaay over a million dollars worth of aircraft !!;):o
he gave us a nice aerial tour.....
The pilots name was Jim...;)B|


here are some pics.

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Nice! I grew up in New England and really miss the fall colors. This year, trying to catch it in full bloom in western (not west) Virginia's Shenendoa Mountains. Nice 110 mile bike ride on Skyline drive. One of Natures most awesome shows, I can't wait.
"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" ~Samuel Clemens

Dudeist Skydiver #68

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BEE-utiful And a jump from that float-plane would be the icing on the cake.................................J..........

true enough....
though there are not a lot of open areas to land,,, ( dry areas, that is ) so your off site canopy skills best be up to par...B|;) The pilot was cool...gave us the nickel tour.
never donned a headset... for SURE wasn't in contact with ATC...:DB|;)

here are few more pics... including this huge red headed woodpecker, who danced around in the pine tree clearing at a park we visited....


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