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I do not know if this is the place where I can post this message but given the circumstances I want as much people to know that my gear was stolen along with my car.
briefly this is my gear and I would really apretiate any help if someone knows the whereabouts of my gear.
Crossfire2 149 all orange with the secon cell from left to right being neon yellow.
Mirage container navy blue and yellow piping with pillow reserve handle saying PIPE.

Orange RAWA camera helmet with Sony camera inside.
tony suit pants charcoal color with a hawaiin line desing, and tony suiit pants black with neon yellow line.
black oxygen3 helmet.

thanks once again.
please call me if you find someone selling this items, (954)557-7681

You know what's out there.
Take it, it's your's INMORTALITY!!!

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I do not know if this is the place where I can post this message but given the circumstances I want as much people to know that my gear was stolen along with my car.

It might help to know where it was stolen - what city & state.
And serial numbers. You did record them somewhere, right?

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