
Adria Allen

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My sincerest sympathy and condolences to all of Adria's family and friends.

Adria was a pleasure to work with from a sponsorship perspective, professional, polite and with an amazingly positive attitude, she will be surely missed by all that knew her and was touched by her amazing attitude towards life.

Hamba Gashle Adria


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I have not been able to post my feelings because I am so torn up by this tragedy. When I heard of the incident I was just crushed. This woman is about the sweetest nicest person you could meet. . .I had the wonderful pleasure of getting to know her during Bridge the Gap at Elsinore and she was absolutely delightful.

I am so very sad right now. . .

Soar with the Eagles Adria. . .BSBD. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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As we struggle in mortal selves to stay aloft under mere string and fabric, you have found freedom of flight we can only dream of on this side of eternity.

"The helicopter approaches closer than any other to fulfillment
of mankind's ancient dreams of a magic carpet" - Igor Sikorsky

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My condolences to Adria's friends and family. It is so amazing to hear how you touched so many lives. Fly with the angels and don't forget to shine down on us.


Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Life is fragile and we are not guaranteed tomorrow. We must live every day loving one another and be sure we are ready to face the Lord our maker if this day were our last. Know who you are in Christ and live it our for all to see. If you do not know HIM read the book of JOhn in the Bible. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have eternal life. If you do choose to believe in HIm you will have eternal life and you will spend it with HIM. Blessings to you.

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Adria-- I can only speak for myself, but as a fellow competitor and lover of everything skydiving, I have deep respect for what you were doing in our awesome sport. Spreading your joy, driving to get better, and inpiring others to do the same. SO very sad to see you leave us, but your enthusiasm for the sport will live on through those you touched. It will. Keep smiling, much love..... Mel xo


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I never met Adria either, but have been reading these posts. Her smile was truly amazing, even in the pictures she looked like a joy to know and a positive happy woman. Many of us will learn from this tragedy, but that does not make the loss of a bright star any less for her friends and family.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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Adria was such a beautiful person (inside and out), she will be missed but never forgotten. I've been reading all the wonderful things her friends have written here, she touched so many lives in such a positive way, more than she knew, what a fantastic testament to the person she was. Teach the angels how to free fly Adria. Blue Skies.
"There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

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Throughout this whole experience I wanted to mention one thing. For some reason I haven't shed one tear. It's because every time I think about Adria I smile. And the happiness and joy she brought to me and the people around her, over powers all the sadness. I haven't been this sad in a long time, but I've never felt so happy as when I think of her.


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For me it's like we talked about yesterday Matt.

What is heaven and what is hell? Is there a Heaven and Hell?

I know this sounds funny, but you and I and many others are a part of her heaven. We will always remember her and feel happy. That is part of it. SHe will always look down and know that she was loved because of the way we remember her. Can you imagine an eternity of people remembering you for the good you did.

Now, imagine the other way around. If we look down (or up) and see that people remember us for bad things then we are doomed forever because of the way that people remember us. Can you imagine an eternity of people remembering what an ass you may have been.

Keep smiling and she will always know you loved her.

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We spoke with the family this morning and no word yet for a memorial service. When I get it, I will post it here immediately. But, it seems that her family may opt for a private service, but that is not solid yet.
If so, I will post information where people can send flowers, cards and such.
If not, I will post the information regarding her memorial service.

Also, in the event a private service is held, plans are being made to hold a separate memorial service that anyone can attend.

I will post this information on the Bonfire soon.
Thank You

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