
Cooking help...

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I have not tried any of the stuff yet, but Yahoo food seems to have some good quick stuff.

Learn how to cook???? You're a girl, it's in your DNA. :P:P

I don't get how someone does not know how to cook honestly. If you can read you can cook. Just remember, you actually have to watch what you are cooking. Things sometimes cook faster than you want. Not everything is cooked with the burner on full blast either, most things actually aren't.

No get in the kitchen and make me some pie!!! and cake.;)

edit for linky http://food.yahoo.com/

Skymama's #2 stalker -

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I second that...there are some amazing web sites out there with recipes...Betty Crocker also makes one hell of an all-around cook book with a lot of kitchen tips that come in real handy - it's a must for any kitchen in my mind.
Basically...be patient, don't be afraid to try...and be persistent.
Cooking is one of my favs....but you can google for ANY dish and find an amazing assortment of recipes to choose from.

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www.allrecipes.com (this one is cool cause it has automatic conversions on it)
www.kraft.com (you can type ingredients and it will come up with a meal)

or you can just ask grue - cause hes got some killer recipes
"life does throw curveballs sometimes but it doesn't mean we shouldn't still swing for the homerun" ~ me

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I make a lot of recipes from Southern Living magazine. They've now partnered with MyRecipes.com too.

And yes, I do cook on the oven, stove and indoor grill. Don't listen to Normiss tell you that I only use the microwave, although it is real handy for side dishes. :P

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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anything else outta there tastes like ass...bad ass.

It didn't seem to stop you from clearing your plate when I cooked. :P
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I'm trying to decide what to make tonight...

This week I have made, chicken w/ an orange sauce over rice and Terryaki beef and mushrooms w/ garlic butter pasta.

I am working on trying to make new things. It uses up some of the time i would have been wasting in front of the TV and its much tastier than bagged pre-cooked food.
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i bought "how to cook" by jamie oliver which shows you what type of utensils there are and whats best and also different ways of cooking food (got a fair few recipes as well) http://bbc.co.uk/food has some great recipes and tips (try the take on the takeaway)

start of simple and work from there ie:

cook pasta. Drain and add tin of chopped tomatoes, baked beans (in tomato sauce), black pepper, rosemary, basil, cooked garlic sausage. diced onion (fried) and mix together heat up serve and add grated cheese on top. (add a chilli if you like it hot)

another i like making is cooked rice with cheese sauce, onion, brocolli, pieces of chicken from a roast chicken and boiled egg chopped up.

Just make sure you buy quality knives and keep them very sharp (easier to use safer that way)

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