
Unexpected money

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$16,000 for 30% in a wrist? Nice! I got $9,000 for 20% in a shoulder. :P I also once forgot that I was stashing cash in my sock drawer, saving up for one thing or another. About a year later, when it was getting close to laundry day, I saw some money...$400. That made my weekend a little more fun. :D


(drink Mountain Dew)

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So my first electric bill living in Arizona was $70.... not bad right?... well that was only for 15 days and that was keeping my apartment at 86 F during the days and 82 F at night.
So I budgeted for a bill of about $140 for the next month. I cut back on my air conditioning (90 F during the day and 86 F at night)...
So... my electric bill for this month (29 days) was... $56! Wooohooo. That means I can actually fill up my car with gas so I can drive down to the dz

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I forgot about my 2006 taxes prior to this weekend, got serious about it, and learned about the rules.

We get a few hundred back because CO property taxes are assessed in arrears (I claim the entire deduction for FY2006 plus a pro-ration of what the buyers are paying in 2007) and WA taxes are paid for the current year (I claim everything I paid plus a pro-ration.

We get a few thousand back from a state tax overpayment because a company didn't pay attention to our move to a state with no income tax.

It'll somewhat offset my membership fees in the titanium club (medical bills, transportation and hotels getting home, two weeks disability paid at 60%) :-)

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