
What's your best insult?

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My trash-talking vocabulary has suddenly taken a dive, and I find that I am fresh out of interesting ways to alert people to their own stupidity...always in a kind and gentle way, though...;)

-So what's your best insult? I like 'Oxygen thief' and 'Waste of Space', though I have been known to throw those two together on occasion.

...and we already know Sunshine's typical 'fucker'...so come on...give it to me! Come on, ya pansies!!! Whatcha got???
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How about "in-bred, booger-eating mouth-breather?" B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
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"Trash-burpin' gutter-rat"? It's a modified version of a much more vile insult. ;)
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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One of my all time faves is "Suck Shit" ... add your own comments here just think about what your telling the other person to do..

Then if you want to get really nasty..

Call someone a "Festering vaginal cyst"

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How about "in-bred, booger-eating mouth-breather?"

You know what I thought when I read this? "How else would you breathe than through your mouth?" :S I think lack of sleep and a little bit of personal anguish are making me insane. :D

My personal favorite terms are "jackhole" and "dildo". :D


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More quick whitted terms which I am particularly fond of ...

Directed at a female.....VAGITARIAN
Directed at male...........NANCY or SHIT STABBER
Non gender speciffic......Fuck monkey or TOOL
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How about "in-bred, booger-eating mouth-breather?"

You know what I thought when I read this? "How else would you breathe than through your mouth?" :S I think lack of sleep and a little bit of personal anguish are making me insane. :D

I KNOW you've seen those folks who run insect hotels with their traps wide open all day every day. :P
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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I once worked on a construction job with 300 guys and 4 girls. It seemed like the girls would develop an emotional callous from dealing with these guys all day, every day.

One of the girls chewed tobacco. Very attractive habit, trust me. A guy made some remark to her that she didn't like. She turned around and spit and then yelled "I hope your asshole grows together." :o

I kept thinking of the impact of that. As a visual, it was gruesome. Talk about a quiet crowd. :D

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Oh, you do, do you? Is that because I live in GA? Are you calling me a hick? Are you saying I'm an uneducated, backwoods, inbreeding, toothless, grandma at age 24 hillbilly? Geez, that was harsh. :P:D

We iz edu-mak8d heer in Jorja. Are ESS-AY-TEE skors our gud. :D


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Oh, you do, do you? Is that because I live in GA? Are you calling me a hick? Are you saying I'm an uneducated, backwoods, inbreeding, toothless, grandma at age 24 hillbilly? Geez, that was harsh. :P:D

We iz edu-mak8d heer in Jorja. Are ESS-AY-TEE skors our gud. :D


Uh, actually I was making the assumption that you were on a level beyond the type you just described. Like the Observation level. :D

But you know, go with what works best. :PB|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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how about

" Is there anything you want me to tell your bitch mother while I fuck her in the ass, you stupid fuck nut":)
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who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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